Today, my encounter with a Trickster ended with me slaying the Trickster.
No one shall lay low Chaos the Paladin. This be a dark vision, for who knew that it would take mine 2nd resuscitation to be bewildered.
Most beautiful lady of Chaos
A fair woman that was clean and pure like a white rose caught my eye. She had a multi-colored hair that featured red, orange and blonde. You could say it matched the colors of fire and I loved it. They went along well with her deep amber eyes.
I, Chaos the Paladin, am now a Bash expert.
Expert in the Climb Skill is what I am now. I shall use the Climb Skill towards meh ultimate goal.
Chaos the Paladin is raised. Mine faults hath doomed me for the 3rd time all because of my fascinated past in this quest. I need to changeth mine motive.
Let it be known that I, Chaos, have attained Level 1 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.
I am considered the master of the Run Skill.