I am now a Level 3 among my Kindred. I intend to honor them as they have honored me.
Worship of Morana
I have had a string of bad luck, but my faith in you has given me the strength to keep going. I give thanks to you and yours for bringing me back from the darkness. I hope I will stay in your graces as I go back to my life and keep going forward toward my destiny.
Meeting the townsfolk
I am more impressed than I thought I would be with the townfolk. Rose has been extremely helpful in guiding me as I live my life. The tavern is always lively, with something always happening to keep me entertained. I especially like the brothel, not for what you may think, but it is an interesting place to learn unique skills and gather information on any topic I may want.
Samara the Rogue Lives! My quest shall continue despite my 10th demise, no one shall keep me below.
Even after being abandoned by her father, Samara didn't let that hold her back. The rogue who loved her mother vowed to understand why her mother had been burned in their home. She worked hard to gain skills and experience in things that will help her get those answers. Unfortunately, it seems Monara has decided Samara is done with her adventure.
I, Samara the Rogue, am now an Invoke expert.