How Do You Deal With Depression?

How Deal Depression - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 31st Dec, 2022 - 8:40pm

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30th Oct, 2020 - 9:53pm / Post ID: #

How Do You Deal With Depression?

So I'm 19 and I have episodes of depression and anxiety. The problem is that I can't talk my parents because they're strict Christians and they'll tell me to pray it off, and I can't really talk to a therapist because they're practically non existent here. I'll probably get ridiculed by my friends if they knew so that's not an option either.

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30th Oct, 2020 - 9:56pm / Post ID: #

Depression Deal You How

Sorry to read that. It is common for people who suffer from depression to feel that there is no one to turn to so I understand your position. What are you depressed about?

30th Oct, 2020 - 10:25pm / Post ID: #

How Do You Deal With Depression? Health & Special Psychology

Honestly, it's this vauge feeling of longing and dissatisfaction. The fact that I can't wrap my head around it totally makes me really mad.
People might say I'm just seeking attention, but maybe on some level I actually am. I grew used to being left alone when I was little so I barely developed any social skills, not like I'd have needed them considering I wasn't allowed to socialize much.
I think the toll of having no one around is finally getting to me.
My whole mind is such a mess right now and it confuses me.

30th Oct, 2020 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #

Depression Deal You How

Sounds like a bit of an abusive childhood although I don't know all the details. Do you live in the suburbs? You mentioned therapists being nowhere where you are at. Have you tried any hotlines? When you think about it that is just a call away no matter where you are located.

5th Nov, 2020 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #

Depression Deal You How

I, fellow sufferer here. Definitely find help, there are many services online too that could help with low to no cost.
Moodfit, Moodmission, Talkspace are some good ones.
It does get better *wink*.

29th Sep, 2021 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

How Do You Deal With Depression?

I am sorry about that. It must be hard to find friends where you are at. You should try to call hotlines and it will help you. Your day will get better. I hoe that thing will get better for you.

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Post Date: 31st Dec, 2022 - 8:40pm / Post ID: #

How Do You Deal With Depression?
A Friend

How You Deal Depression

When I'm down, I try not to try to fix it, in a way that might make me worse. How to take refuge from b drugs or alcohol. I try to compile all my experiences on the subject of depression.In order to get over it.

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