I, am Geoffrey. I was given this name because it means 'divine peace', with hope I might bring peace and unity to the land under divine guidance. I am at the age of 16 to the years of man. I am known as the Paladin because I have blended my training with a sword and shield, as a knight, with that of my faith and belief in a higher power.
I was born a Human, as are my parents and grandparents before me
I stand 6' 1" tall with a muscular body. I have dark brown hair with warm amber eyes. My olive skin and rugged, comely appearance in general. Though what stood out was my cheery demeanor.
I see myself as one who follows clerics and fighters, knights and holy warriors. I want to protect and defend others, by first seeking employment as a city guard. I generally view alliances as a good things.
I intend to do things strategically and with planning, seeking connections and allies in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
It should be known that I made an oath to strive to always aid others, work to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all the land. To guard myself against pride, make it my sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. To be fertile in mind and body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever I go, I will sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things I find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a bright future in the minds of others. That, whenever possible, see each dawn.
Thus, I now start this path towards adventure.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
Not wanting to leave my childhood home without a reminder of what I was leaving to protect, the one who provided wisdom and guide d my spiritual growth gave me a ring. A ring of solace to offer peace of mind and assurance of the oath I swore and with the symbol of the church, which other may well recognize when looking at it.
Advisor Description
Originally, I met Father Amaury when he was young and more hotheaded, while the priest visiting his parents and before his mother's death, so meeting the man again after all this time was a surprise, if a cordial and pleasant one. While I was returning to my home in Town after some shopping. Recognizing the older man as he was dressed in his familiar, and simple, religious robes and with a hand carved staff that I remembered from my youth. In learning that Father Amaury had been watching me secretly, I was more bothered that he hadn't approached me sooner. Since I would have honestly appreciated a familiar face when I first entered the Town. Still, despite this, I was glad to know Father Amaury had been keeping an eye on me, as I respected and admired the older man for his faith and belief, trusted his wisdom and experience. Where I hoped out relationship might continued being positive, as I will appreciating the advice the priest might give me while here.
Deity of Geoffrey
Thaiera, the Dawnbringer, is a goddess of dawn, spring, birth, renewal, and redemption. She favors those who show compassion and patience, her greatest virtues, and blesses those who plant new life, and those provide subsidence and care of those in need. Thaiera is one to call upon to bless the grown of crops for the harvest, spring festivals, as well birth and fertility related ceremonies. Her followers are mostly the common folk, though more humble gentry and nobility may follow her as well.
House of Sorrows
I have heard of those who struggle, not able excel or handle being around others, able to navigate social situations. That, in children especially, it can be a challenge, even simply for one's parents to know how raise and help such a child. That because of the seeming oddness or strangeness of a child's behavior, it has lead to many of them be turned into a outcast by society, being bullied or teased, or treated as a burden. That whether being too quiet or even gets angry, such children can be difficult to manage while dealing with others hating them or being an annoyance. That the hurtful words of others, harsh discipline or being yelled at, can lead these children to feel inadequate. Not able to easily understand others. Though this man being a Creator… While a bit confusing, did offer insight, and I found myself believing him.
That I knew, even those trained in the medical arts can often do more harm or good, not really understanding these children seemingly cursed. With many not having the patience, love, and kindness they need, with even the best of parents or guardians feeling overwhelmed while trying to help the children be prepared for adulthood. Where I look to the father reply, "I do understand. It can be difficult. Yet what you do is important. Patience, compassion, and empathy is not something many possess. If you ever need a break, let me know and I will do what I can. I... Well, I actually have experience in what you are dealing with, and what the children you are taking care of are going through. Know of others with such struggles as I was growing up… In being a Creator, able to do what you just did, that is a surprise yet I believe you."
Quontriell Kingdom of Geoffrey
I fell in a deep sleep after my first proper night. That, while asleep I had an encounter with my mother and she told me of how I will create a kingdom in my dreams and it will be through the strength of my soul it grows. That when asked what my future kingdom will be like, I say it will be founded on the ideals of seeking peaceful coexistence and shared strength. A place where the many peoples and races of the lands can come together to live, trade, forge bonds, to learn,and gain an education.
Worship of Thaiera
Thaiera, I pray to you as I continue to improve myself, and seek out ways that I may be able to aid or assist others. As I take what work I can, meet and learn of others, even visiting the House of Sorrows from time to time. I come seeking that your wisdom may light the way to those who can benefit from my help and to the places where I can put my strengths to use. As I keep close thy teachings and wisdom, reminding myself that there is always another dawn.
First time in the Town
The first time in the Town was one of much uncertainty. That while I put on a relaxed and confident enough front, with a smile and friendly demeanor towards those I met, it was intimidating realizing all the places I needed to grow familiar with and the people I will need to meet. That while I had heard stories of others experience the first time they enter the Town, and hoped to not make the mistakes of some, there was still times I have to stop myself from rushing forward and miss something. That I have striven to take more time to listen and be more thoughtful in what I say or do. Show that while I am still younger and lacking in experience, I will strive to press forward and not give up. Remember what I have been taught, remember what is important to me, and not bring shame to my family, the memory of my departed mother.