Obama: Higher Standard For Car Mileage

Obama Higher Standard Car Mileage - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 19th May, 2009 - 11:25pm

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Post Date: 19th May, 2009 - 1:15pm / Post ID: #

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Obama: Higher Standard For Car Mileage

Obama to set higher standard for car mileage

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile mileage and emissions today, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush administration. Ref. Source 5

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Post Date: 19th May, 2009 - 2:47pm / Post ID: #

Obama: Higher Standard For Car Mileage
A Friend

Mileage Car Standard Higher Obama

I think this is a good thing. I still wish we would get away from burning gasoline in the vehicles but higher gas milage is a nice start.

19th May, 2009 - 4:24pm / Post ID: #

Obama: Higher Standard For Car Mileage Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

This is one of the most horrible things that he has done so far. He has taken over domestic automobile production, now will do everything else possible to drive them into the ground.

CAFE is one of the leading causes of the automotive companies' problems. People want and buy large vehicles because they are safer and more comfortable than small cars. However, in order to meet CAFE standards, the companies had to sell lots and lots of small cars. In order to sell these cars, they had to sell them at a loss.

Now, the government is planning on putting even more pressure on the companies to make cars that people don't want to buy.

Of course, the real reason for this action is to force the companies to stop making the large SUV, or make them so expensive that only the wealthiest people can buy them. Have you seen what vehicles the government uses? Suburbans, Escalades, and Expeditions. They are safer, and capable of being armored. But they don't want people to be able to buy these for themselves.

Government interference always damages business. Our manufacturing industry is already in decline, this will only make that decline increase.

If a person is so worried about the environment, then they should buy a "clown car." Let the rest of us buy cars that are safe and comfortable.

Post Date: 19th May, 2009 - 6:14pm / Post ID: #

Obama: Higher Standard For Car Mileage
A Friend

Mileage Car Standard Higher Obama

IF people want to buy the bigger vehicles they still can. It has been about three weeks now but I saw on Fox News a chevy hummer that was to get up to 100 MPG. Now if the car companies can do that with a hummer which is a LARGE SAFE vehicle then what else can the car companies do that they are not telling us?

Heck I remember when a guy, not part of the auto industry, took a 70's style chevy Malibu and was getting around 50 MPG. The auto maker bought the carburetor from him and destroyed it. I wonder why?

I believe this will be good for the auto industry if it is not then maybe they should get out of the business.

Post Date: 19th May, 2009 - 11:25pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Mileage Car Standard Higher Obama

Obama hurting auto industry

What better way to help the ailing auto industry than to increase the CAFE standards that are already crippling automakers everywhere? Obama wants the CAFE standard to be 42 miles per gallon by the year 2016 -- translation: tinfoil cars that run on hamster power! If Obama keeps tightening the leash, it won't be long before all of the big auto companies go under and are eaten up by the government -- oh, wait -- that's probably the plan. Ref. Source 5

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