
Spiral - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 11th Jun, 2010 - 3:02am

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24th May, 2009 - 2:22am / Post ID: #



The movie Spiral is a soft thriller about a secluded guy that likes to paint. The guy behaves as though he is autistic and yet is able to hold a job in which he communicates on the phone with people trying to sell insurance. He has a fascination with beautiful women and paints them, but there is of course a twist to where all the painting projects end up. To say more is to give the movie away. I would say the movie is fairly readable, by that I mean you can pretty much figure out how all will turn out and then at the end you are sort of slapped in the face and then reassured that you weren't wrong with your conclusions or the events as they unfold. I would say it is worth a watch.

Rate: 3 :starorange:

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Post Date: 11th Jun, 2010 - 3:02am / Post ID: #


Joel David Moore stars with Zachary Levi (Chuck) and Amber Tamblyn (Joan of Arcadia and THE GRUDGE 2) in the harrowing story of a shy and possibly disturbed telemarketer/painter, his arrogant longtime friend and boss, and the carefree new co-worker whose love may offer a portrait of normalcy. But in a life scarred by dark secrets, can the truth be the most horrifying pose of all? Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Gallactica co-stars in this acclaimed psychological shocker co-directed by Adam Green and Moore that FrightFest hailed as "almost unbearably tense"¦ a Hitchcock-tail of precision direction and startling imagery packing a final shock punch!"

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