Bambalooey Introduction

Bambalooey Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 22nd Jun, 2009 - 1:12am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 26th May, 2009 - 10:23am / Post ID: #

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Bambalooey Introduction

Well, this is interesting.

Hello. My name is strictly confidential, but anyone may call me Bambalooey, or whatever they feel like they should call me (as long as it is not racist, innappropriate, or I just really don't like it, but normally I do). My age is inconsequential, seeing a how I don't believe in taking out angst or hormones on people on message boards. My location is off limits, seeing as how, although this registration system is wonderfully done and screened very well, there is still the possibility of there being a very smart axe-murderer out there.


Well, now that the formalities are done, Hello. It's really great to meet you all, and though I'm talking more than anybody (probably, I haven't checked), this doesn't happen in real life. I'm just hoping that I'll still be able to use my spare time here, rather than just dropping off right before finals.

I'm still in school. That may take a little teeny bit of time away from my life. But I'll try to be as active as it is possible for someone like me to be, and I hope that I can help make this place more fun, just by trying to be a good player. I've RP'ed for a while in my life (mostly d20 Star Wars, a lot of Runescape, and one time when I tried to pirate World of Warcraft, but it didn't work; I think that was a good thing), and I like to have fun with roleplaying.

Yeesh, I'm still talking. Anyway, you can figure out everything else about me sometime later, when I talk to all of you face to face and actually chat with everyone. Sure, I'm here for the roleplay, but a little networking couldn't hurt either.


P.S. I never did check to see if this place was active.

Contribution: | Credit: | Gender: Female | Politics: Fascist
Tenet: Baptist | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 26th May, 2009 - 10:12am
Signature: Seriously, though? I want to feel like life is worth it again.
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Post Date: 26th May, 2009 - 10:25am / Post ID: #

Introduction Bambalooey

Greetings RPGer

We have FOUR types of RPGs here, which one are you interested in:

1. Start Now Type: For those who want to start immediately in a TURN based environment then you need to go to: Ruler of Kings or Emperor of Asia or Future Terra or Jerusalem Conquest or Lazarus or Germany 1939 and register on those. The Boards that handle Discussion for these games is located within this Community. Use the Site Map if you are unsure how to find them.

2. Integrated RPGs: This is where the Play by Post and custom script RPGs are part of the Community. Games like Matrix: Plugged, Cozyville, Be A Super Hero RPG and others considers what you do in the Community and thus it affects game play. To see a list of these check the RPG Listing page.

3. Writer's Paradise: For for those who prefer well thought out storylines via Play by Post where the players are more mature then keep reading below:
You need to make 30 Constructive Posts as a test to see how well you can participate in our Text Based Games, so get started now by selecting a Board and giving your input. The best way to make your 30 posts is to use the INDEX scroll down, pick one or two of those Boards that interest you and start Posting! After you make your 30 Posts return here to reply and request 'RPGer Status'.

4. Share Book RPG: This is the EASIEST type of text RPG to get involved in because it only takes you joining in a Thread with a current Book Scenario and giving your vote in which direction a character should move. To see current games go to the Member Wars Board.

Read --> Posting Policy | See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ |

NOTE: If you need help with any of the above choices please DO ASK detailed questions in your next Reply to this Thread. We are here to help you.

So... Which RPG are you interested in?

Post Date: 20th Jun, 2009 - 12:57am / Post ID: #

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Bambalooey Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Welcome to the Community. I just removed your reply in the Village Tavern because it just adds off topics to the Thread. If you have questions about that Board just ask in the support Thread: Source 4 or this, your Intro Thread. By the way you already have 10FP, in fact you have over 27FP. Thanks.

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Post Date: 20th Jun, 2009 - 1:57pm / Post ID: #

Bambalooey Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Bambalooey

Welcome to the forums fellow RPGer. I am glad that you have gotten off to a good start. We are active around here and I hope that you can be a active RPGer too. We have a lot who say they will be but they never seem to carry through. I hope that you will not fall into that category. I will call you Bamba if you do not mind. :) Hope to see you in the RPGs soon. IF you have any questions please ask here.

Post Date: 20th Jun, 2009 - 5:38pm / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
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Introduction Bambalooey

Hey cool are you going to join us in the medieval rpg or just looking around? We want to start up an adventure and need as many as we can get.

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
Post Date: 21st Jun, 2009 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

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Bambalooey Introduction

I'm still trying to fulfill post requirements. But I'll check it out when I get the chance. :)

Thank you all for saying hi. It's nice to meet all of you.

Contribution: | Credit: | Gender: Female | Politics: Fascist
Tenet: Baptist | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 26th May, 2009 - 10:12am
Signature: Seriously, though? I want to feel like life is worth it again.
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 21st Jun, 2009 - 9:23pm / Post ID: #

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Bambalooey Introduction

Do not feel limited by 'The Village Tavern', you are also welcomed to start your own Story by starting a new Thread in the Member Wars Board.

Blog Read My Blog
Contribution: Hard Work | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Libertarian
Tenet: Reperire Veritatem | Reason: Discuss Global Issues | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 3rd Sep, 2002 - 1:01pm
Signature: Donate Please Support Our Efforts!
Post Date: 22nd Jun, 2009 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
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Bambalooey Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing

I'm still trying to fulfill post requirements.

At the rate your doing it you'll be there and ready before I can get my activity up. That's something I neglected here and I let my activity fall really low. Nice seeing you around.

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
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