Linda Goudey
What are your thoughts about the murder case of Dr. Linda Goudey? Dr. Timothy Stryker was charged with the murder but later cleared. His current wife is a psychotherapist and said he is a very gentle man with no signs of violence.
Keywords: Lin Goudey
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3240 100%
I think he did it. There are witnesses that state that both of them had a fight and that was the last time they saw her alive. Just because he does not show any signs of violence now does not mean he is not a murderer.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
In the civil court he was found guilty and ordered to pay $15 million. He later committed perjury to get someone to say that they saw the killer of Linda Goudey having sex with her in a car. He is currently in jail. There may be a future trail for murder this time given his actions. His current wife filed for divorce.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3240 100%
Name: RN
Comments: Lin Goudey was caring, knowledgeable and a strong patient advocate. Stryker was a classic sociopath who "lost it" many times in front of those of us in health care. I can only hope that he suffered more than Lin did. It's too bad the [..] sort of "got away with it" but in the end...did he really? You get what you deserve!
You will never be forgotten Dr Goudey. Thank-you for taking good care of me and my baby, who is now 22.
Name: Colie
Comments: He was my neighbor until he got arrested for the last time. I had heard not so nice things about Dr. Goudey. In town many people theorized that he didn't plan it out, that it happened during a violent fight. Of course he shouldn't have done it, but I don't think it was pre-meditated. He had a wing put on his house just for meditating. It was completely padded. Strange.