What do you think about this plan from Los Angeles County officials of paying those parents who are in welfare to take care of their own children?
In a move to cope with possible cuts to California's CalWorks program, county officials are proposing to expand subsidized child care payments to jobless parents who have been receiving both child care and Welfare to Work subsidies but who may lose the latter under state cuts, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. County officials say the move to expand child-care payments to thousands of welfare-recipient parents -- allowing them to stay home and tend to their children under 6 years old full-time -- would cost less than what the government is now paying for the childrens' day care necessitated by welfare rules mandating parents take job training classes and search for jobs, the newspaper reported. "What we're saying is do not cut Welfare to Work outright: Target the cuts to the people who are the most expensive," Miguel Santana, a deputy to the county's chief executive, told the Times... |
I am glad that I do not have young children and that I do not live in California. I think this plan is not a good thing. We do not need to place young children in homes with those who do not want to work and probably do illegal things on top of that. Lets train more kids to be low lifes.