Trini Religious Crime Plan

Trini Religious Crime Plan - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2009 - 2:09pm

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Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2009 - 11:36am / Post ID: #

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Trini Religious Crime Plan

Holy crime plan!

When I heard that religious leaders had submitted a crime plan to National Security Minister Martin Joseph, I couldn't wait to see it. So I sat down and prayed very hard for the document to be delivered onto me. Yet nothing happened. But then I had a revelation. I am a writer, and I believe I am a writer because of genetics, chance events, and a lack of common sense. On the other hand, religious believers always like to talk about "God-given talent". So I figured, since I know more about religion than any religious leader in Trinidad and Tobago, any religion crime plan I wrote would be the same as whatever Minister Joseph got. Here, then, are some exclusive extracts from what was given to the Government. Ref. Source 6

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Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2009 - 2:09pm / Post ID: #

Trini Religious Crime Plan
A Friend

Plan Crime Religious Trini

I have to say that I am enlightened now and I think that this plan will have a snow balls chance in a very hot place of succeeding. I think that any plan to rid the islands of all the crime and corruption should come from the people who live in fear daily.

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