No motive slows ruling in McNair case

No Motive Slows Ruling Mcnair Case - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 9th Jul, 2009 - 4:21pm

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2009 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

No motive slows ruling in McNair case

No motive slows ruling in McNair case (AP)
NFL Related News

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Tennessee's state medical examiner said Tuesday that investigators have been hesitant to conclude that Steve McNair's girlfriend killed the NFL star and herself because she didn't appear to have a motive, but that murder-suicide is the most likely scenario. After the couple was discovered shot to death on Saturday, police were quick to label McNair's death a homicide.

Source: Yahoo! Sports - NFL News

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Post Date: 8th Jul, 2009 - 6:08pm / Post ID: #

No motive slows ruling in McNair case
A Friend

case McNair ruling slows motive No

If she killed him and they do not have a reason then call it just a murder suicide and leave it at that. IF it appears that someone else did the murders then look for that person. The fact that it probably was a murder suicide means that you are not going to know a reason why she did it because she can not tell you.

9th Jul, 2009 - 5:17am / Post ID: #

No motive slows ruling in McNair case Sports & Fashion Music Movies

According to new information coming out, McNair was killed while he slept on the couch. Shot once in the head, then twice in the chest then once more in the head. She then position herself next to him on the couch and shot herself attempting to fall onto his lap dead. She succeeded but fell of the couch with the gun. Just a few days before this she bought the gun and told a friend that her life wasnt worth living anymore and thought McNair was having a second affair on top of the fact she was going bankrupt.

Officials have now called it a murder-suicide.

Post Date: 9th Jul, 2009 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

No motive slows ruling in McNair case
A Friend

case McNair ruling slows motive No

It is sad that the friend did not do anything to try and get her some help or to alert others that she may try to kill herself or someone else. The warning signs were there. Why did her friend do nothing to get her some help.

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