Which Fans Provide Most Air Circulation

Which Fans Provide Air Circulation - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 16th Oct, 2009 - 3:20am

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Post Date: 12th Oct, 2009 - 12:54am / Post ID: #

Which Fans Provide Most Air Circulation

Which Fans Provide Most Air Circulation

Name: Jill

Comments: We're not waiting for summer to come around again and there is a fan sale at our local store so I am thinking of buying a fan for our summer room that will cool the whole room. Which is best: standing, boxed, ceiling or is there another type? I'm guessing everyone will go for ceiling, but I don't know how to install, so will it be worth paying to get it done?

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15th Oct, 2009 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

Circulation Air Provide Fans Which

I really like a good seated fan, but only the ones with the metal grill and not the plastic version. I think ceiling fans are OK but it depends on the size of the room. I never saw ceiling fans as a safe item in the home, especially with kids. If you can buy an industrial sized standing fans then that is the best way to go but they are very expensive.

16th Oct, 2009 - 2:41am / Post ID: #

Which Fans Provide Most Air Circulation Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Hi Jill

I am unsure of JB's thoughts as to the bases of them so Ii hope he will post them later.

Floor fans scare me though good one do have a heavy metal base to prevent them from tipping. Just make sure the wire mesh covering is small enough to stop busy little fingers.

I think ceiling fans are safest if properly mounted and in the right dimensions to PREVENT PEOPLE WALKING INTO THEM. Low profile are common and they do move the air around well if they are correctly sized. You need at least 3 feet in clearance to allow it to operate correctly. if not then it can not generate the air flow you seek. Also I found 5 bladed ones quieter then the 4 bladed.

They are mounted directly to the junction box in the ceiling. The junction box must be very secure to the ceiling joists for it to be safe. I ensure they can support me hanging from it. Getting some one who understands electricity and how the box is installed is a good idea. Talk to friends someone likely has experience with them.

If not then the floor standing models are a good choice just keep in mind how easy it is to tip over.

Have you had ceiling fans come down or just toys hitting them causing shrapnel JB?

16th Oct, 2009 - 3:20am / Post ID: #

Circulation Air Provide Fans Which

Attached Image QUOTE (Krakyn)
Have you had ceiling fans come down or just toys hitting them causing shrapnel JB?

I have seen children throwing things at ceiling fans and some even try to stop the blades with a broom handle. Of course not everyone has wild children, but it does happen and it can cause great injury. I have also noticed that most places that have these fans installed do not have them installed properly, so what happens is loads of noise and a shaky fan that look like it will fall at any moment.

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