Why Does The USA Support Israel?

Why Usa Support Israel - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 30th Apr, 2004 - 10:36am

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U.S.A. The country is in the Middle East, so far from the USA, but yet still the US will defend it? USA vs. Israel
Why Does The USA Support Israel? Related Information to Why Does The USA Support Israel?
Post Date: 9th Mar, 2003 - 7:57pm / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel?
A Friend

Why Does The USA Support Israel?

Why do you think the good old USA supports Israel?

I'm asking why not if its right or wrong or this side is good or that side bad.

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9th Mar, 2003 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Israel Support USA The Why

That's a good question. Why people?
I think the United States have lots of interests in their country run by jews. Let's remember that the biggest population of jews outside Israel are concentrated in the USA. The second country is Argentina.
I'm sure there are other reasons but I really don't know, maybe someone else can give more insights about this question.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2003 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel?
A Friend

Why Does The USA Support Israel? Judaism Studies

I think  if there was no Isreal the US would have no reason to put their nose into everything that goes on over there.  ;)

10th Mar, 2003 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

Israel Support USA The Why

A question you can ask is how many Jews there are in the USA with great influence to sway government to take interest in Israel and then that may anwser your original question.

Post Date: 10th Mar, 2003 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel?
A Friend

Israel Support USA The Why

I think part of it stems from a perceived connection between their religious ideology (one the Jews do not share).

There is also the similarity between the two in the formation of their nations. Both were faced with a awesomely superior enemy bent on crushing them, and both triumphed over incredible odds.

Israel has consistantly shown themselves to be fierce warriors over the years, have demonstrated a talent for warfare that makes them counted among the best in the world, despite their tiny size. There is nothing America loves better than a great warrior.

Yet, at the same time, they have refrained from reaching out and conquering their neighbors, and that counts a lot in the American psyche.

They fit the archetypal image of "a man's man", which is deeply rooted in the American collective unconscious.

Post Date: 25th Apr, 2004 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel?
A Friend

Why Does The USA Support Israel?

i think i could answer the question by this question, how many jews controle the american lobby i tell u its a great amount the jews in the US have had a great effect on the goverment in many ways.

the jews have been treated very badly in the last few 100 years they have been kicked out of britain and france and spain and also in russia they have been burned alive by hitler and so british goverment thought we will give you compensation and gave them their own country ,israel, and scince then the native arabs have had wars with the israelis and the jews in america and britain, (jackstraw, and many american politicians) have helped out the jews against the arabs, but what i dont understand is why did the jews refuse the offer to have their country in some african country where their prophet (mosses)was born ???

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26th Apr, 2004 - 12:11pm / Post ID: #

Why The USA Support Israel

It is easy to understand why the Jews didn't want to set up camp in Egypt or any other African country. What is now the land of Israel is their historic home. Jerusalem is the holiest place in all of Judaism. God gave them the land by covenant. They broke the covenant, but still have the promise.

As for why the US supports them, I think it is much more that most conservative and liberal Christians fully support the state of Israel. Yes, there are Jews in power in the US, but I don't believe it is anywhere near as much of an influence as many people want to believe.

As a Mormon, I have some strong religiously-based views as to why the US supports Israel, as well. But this probably isn't the right topic for that discussion.

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2004 - 10:36am / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel?
A Friend

Why The USA Support Israel Studies Judaism

The state of Israel is a recent creation, and the land that is the state of Israel now, was until as recent as 1940's, populated by the arabs and the palestine people. The Jews were poorly treated by the Europeans through the ages, and it culminated in the Holocaust. Out of guilt, the British led the effort to give the Jews a nation of their own. Prior to this the diaspora dispersed jews to every corner of the world, and they did not actually have a country of 'origin'. They are not a people of a common nation. They are actually bonded by their faith, not nationality.

But in the creation of the state of Israel, the British erred by not taking into account the interests of the Palestinians. Their land was taken away without due compensation, and without due regard to their spiritual and historical attachment to that area. Anyway, ...... since then.... the British, as in everywhere else, has conveniently washed their hands off the problem. And the problem, also as in so many cases, landed pat on the lap of the Americans.

So, what interests has the US in Israel? Well, the vast oil reserves is definitely one of the reason and forms the mainstay of all Administrations since back when. It is openly acknowledged that it is of strategic importance to have in Israel, a strong ally of the US, especially after the Oil Embargo crisis of the 70's. The other strategic importance is to have open and immediate access and control of the Suez Canal. These two factors played so prominently during the Cold War era, with both the US and the Soviets trying to gain a strong foothold in the region.

And it is correct to say that the US policy towards Israel is influenced very strongly by the Jewish Lobby in the US Congress. Even the Israelis themselves acknowledge that ..... that is their (the Israeli) strategic trump card.

It is not right to claim biblical reasons for endorsing the state of Israel to be set up in there without due consideration to events in history since. It is like the Native Americans (Sioux, Cherokees, Apaches, Navajos, etc) saying that the whole of North American is theirs by virtue of what is in their folk parables. How far back in history do we want to go?

I think the state of Israel could very well have been set up in a pert of the state of Texas (a dig at Bush here, ) or in Africa, and will still be a proper nation for the Jews.

Likewise, to solve the mid-east problem now, I also believe that the people of Palestine can still effectively be a nation with a geographic location elsewhere.

But that would be just a hopeful dream ...... mankind is irrational. They fight over symbols...... and some of those cities there are symbols of the religious kinds, which are the most powerful symbols.

Sorry, ramble off-tpoic a little ........ * blush *

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