Any time a country loses one of their soldiers in times of war is hard. A soldier knows that they have signed a check payable to the government for up to their lives and goes into combat to do their mission. They all hope to come back alive but with any mission sometimes things do not go as planned. I hope his family remembers him for the hero that he is.
Okay, I don't know the merits of this case but this surely does sound fishy to me. And if this man was convicted for political convenience than that goes against everything this country for. If it is proven that this Admiral did what he is accused of and tainted the outcome of this case for politics then he should take this SEALs place… just for the same amount of time the SEAL had to serve.
Yeah, I know that and it sucks. It goes against everything this country and military tradition stands for. What pure BS if true. This cat risked his life multiple times for the country and this what he gets? Okay, if he did rape her then he deserves Leavenworth and more… but it sounds like the verdict was a foregone conclusion and he was sacrificed for the expedience of political correctness.
I remember during the Grenada operation a SFC brought back an AK as a souvenir. He was discovered, brought to trial (A General Court Martial), found guilty stripped of his rank and sentenced to a few years in Leavenworth. There was a general who brought back a few AKs. When they found him he was allowed to retire and reduced in rank to O6. Vastly different outcomes. Pure BS.
That is the way of the upper brass nowadays. They are in a political situation and have almost the same privileges as members of congress. IT is almost like they are above the law like members of congress seem to be. It is not right and it is not fair but that is the way of things now. It is sad that a honorable seal has to be the one to pay for things.
Since they are at the top and we have the UCMJ in the military in some ways they have more immunity than Congress. I say that because when Congressman break the law and get caught they go in front of a jury of average Americans. They can be found guilty and many have in the past and went to jail for what they did. In the military, they go in front of a General Court Martial, made up of their friends and people they may have dirt on. So, rather than jail when they are found guilty they are reduced a step or two in rank and asked to resign. And they resign with what still amounts to a hefty pension.