Baby Dies At Trinidad Daycare

Baby Dies Trinidad Daycare - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 26th Nov, 2014 - 11:19pm

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Post Date: 15th Jan, 2010 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Baby Dies At Trinidad Daycare

Baby Dies At Daycare

According to TV6 News a Baby Dies At Daycare in Central. He autopsy revealed that the baby died by choking on his own vomit.

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15th Jan, 2010 - 11:27pm / Post ID: #

Daycare Trinidad Dies Baby

Not surprised in the least! Based on my observation day care centers are overcrowded, they do not take care of children properly, more kids they have more money they get and MOST of the staff is NOT qualified to take care of children.

16th Jan, 2010 - 3:29am / Post ID: #

Baby Dies At Trinidad Daycare Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

It depends on what neighborhood your daycare center is in, or how much money you have. Day care centers in bad neighborhoods tend to have this problem.

If you are low income, the state can aid you in payment to day care. Which means usually a community are all on state aid for day care at one location. This tends to focus troubled children with underpaid workers in one location, and yes they are overcrowded.

Cutting corners to make more money is common activity with businesses. However when thousands of low income day care centers cut corners every day, the outcome is much worse than thier rich cousins.

16th Jan, 2010 - 3:34am / Post ID: #

Daycare Trinidad Dies Baby

Attached Image QUOTE (Oliron @ 15-Jan 10, 11:29 PM)
If you are low income, the state can aid you in payment to day care. Which means usually a community are all on state aid for day care at one location. This tends to focus troubled children with underpaid workers in one location, and yes they are overcrowded.

Oliron, this happened in Trinidad and Tobago (you're in the Trinidad board) where there is not such a thing as aid for day care centers, etc, this is a third world country in every aspect.

I just read the response of the mother of this baby and I must say I was very surprised:

Attached Image QUOTE
I believe he was fed and was not burped and he choked on his vomit. Right now I am making arrangements for my child's funeral. I don't know what action I would take,if any.

16th Jan, 2010 - 4:13am / Post ID: #

Daycare Trinidad Dies Baby

I apologize, I didn't know.

Seeing the light penalties in America for this, I hope Trinidad has more severe ones. Organizations that allow such things to happen should be closed down entirely. Otherwise this activity could continue. Though knowing the mother is going along with more of an accident explanation, I don't see it to happen. I hate to say it but I wonder if she is being pressured into this response.

26th Nov, 2014 - 11:19pm / Post ID: #

Baby Dies At Trinidad Daycare

On TV6 News it was reported that a baby was badly burned after allegedly touching hot water bottles that fell all over him. The day care school admits responsibility. I can't understand how you can have hot anything near a baby.

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