Home Schooling

Home Schooling - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 13th Jul, 2003 - 12:46am

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Poll: Do you think home schooling is better than public schooling?
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  No       10.00%
  Sometimes       30.00%
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Homeschooling - Homeschool - Home School - Unschool - Unschooling. Do children miss out from social interaction when you home school? Some parents say they are protecting their children from what is being highlighted in public schools, but can that also be over protection? Where are the best places to get a curriculum for home schooling? Place your thoughts now.
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12th Apr, 2003 - 8:35pm / Post ID: #

Home Schooling

Home Schooling

What do you think about home schooling? There is so much debate about it.

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Parents who home school their children sometimes don't want much to do with the
public school system -- after all, that's the reason for their educational
choice. Source

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11th Jul, 2003 - 11:26pm / Post ID: #

Schooling Home

If I had a choice, I would homeschool my daughter.  But I'm a single mom and have to work full time.  So it's not an option for us.

My sister and her family home school.  She has 4 children, ages 18 to 7.  Her 18 yr old daughter speaks, reads, and writes fluent Mandarin Chinese, Spanish (3 dialects), and is now working on Japanese.  She also teaches Spanish at a local adult school, won an award in a Chinese speaking competition, and translated for a Chinese radio station.

But aside from the scholastic achievements, homeschooled kids are *different* -- they are more mature, more sensible and logical, and much more "self directed."  They are used to having to manage their time, and accustomed to *asking questions* rather than memorizing abstract facts and conforming to rules.  They are better at critical thinking.

 If only I could do it!!


11th Jul, 2003 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

Home Schooling Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Farseer, thanks for your comments! Actually I'm thinking in homeschool my child, he is only three yeard old, although I don't know if I will be financially stable by then to be able to do it. But I heard so many great things about it!!! specially the bond between the mother and the children and how far these kids reach in their lives. It's definetly something I want to think about seriously.

11th Jul, 2003 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Schooling Home

It's a wonderful thing, for both the parents and children.  I wish you could see my sister's children.  They aren't like "regular" American teenagers, if you know what I mean.  They are not so absorbed in spend spend spend and gossip gossip gossip (and, frankly, "sex sex sex").  They are helpful around the farm, they are respectful to their parents and other adults.  And they think other teens wishes and ideas are just "silly."  It really is different to see these kids around "typical" kids from the neighborhood.

If you have the opportunity...  Go for it!


12th Jul, 2003 - 12:46am / Post ID: #

Schooling Home

Wow, great!!! I remember watching this mom on TV  who has like 7 children, she had only a high school diploma and homeschool ALL her children until they finished college!!!! One was only 14 and already doing his masters degree and the girl who was 17 was teaching  in college!!!!!
Amazing story! It's not like I want my child being a nerd, I just want him to use his brain more than a normal kid do it at school.  I want also that he learns how to play the violin as soon as he is mature enough to do it.

12th Jul, 2003 - 8:17pm / Post ID: #

Home Schooling

One was only 14 and already doing his masters degree and the girl who was 17 was teaching  in college!!!!!.

Well, personally, I think that's overdoing it a bit...  A great achievement, of course.

Amazing story! It's not like I want my child being a nerd, I just want him to use his brain more than a normal kid do it at school.  I want also that he learns how to play the violin as soon as he is mature enough to do it.

Hey, now!  Smart kids are not necessarily "nerds"!!!! ::)

These are things that you can help him with now, especially at a young age.  From what I've read from you so far, I'm sure you have already been reading to him regularly.  Teach him shapes, colors, letters, and the sounds the letters make... every chance you get, just point it out to him.  (I'm proud to say that my daughter was the only one in her kindergarten who knew what both "oval" and "rectangle" were, in addition to circle, triangle, star, and square.)  Are you playing classical music for him?  Have you shown him a violin and played it for him?  Does he have access to musical toys, or a small piano?  Do you dance together?

Even if you are unable to home school, you can augment his education simply by giving him opportunities to learn.

You know, I've heard that children who play a musical instrument will do better with mathematics. :)


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13th Jul, 2003 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

Home Schooling

Hey, now!  Smart kids are not necessarily "nerds"!!!!

LOL, I didn't mean that. When

13th Jul, 2003 - 12:46am / Post ID: #

Home Schooling Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Hey, now!  Smart kids are not necessarily "nerds"!!!!

LOL, I didn't mean that. When I refer to 'nerds' I don't mean smart kids, I mean kids who do not have another life but books and school, no social life, no friends, no nothing but study. I definetly do not want that with my son.

Felipe loves to say over and over the shapes, the alphabet but sometimes because of his hyperactivity he's just too lazy to sit down and let mommy teach him, he rather jump, laugh and play hide and see lol. I tried to read him several times, he just don't want to stay still...he's like he has ants on his pants ::) lol

I played all kind of music to him, he LOVES music and he has musical toys and he plays it over and over until the batteries are burn off lol :)

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