Agnostic Emblem

Agnostic Emblem - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 20th Jan, 2005 - 11:43pm

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Post Date: 3rd May, 2004 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Agnostic Emblem
A Friend

Agnostic Emblem

is there an emblem or sign that symbolises the agnostic belief? like the cross is to christian.. and what does it look like?
Im very thankful for any answers :)

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4th May, 2004 - 9:56am / Post ID: #

Emblem Agnostic

I can't think of anything that could be considered an "emblem" for agnosticism. Since, by definition, an agnostic either cannot or will not believe in things, how could there be a symbol?

5th May, 2004 - 2:49am / Post ID: #

Agnostic Emblem Beliefs Religious General

I don't think agnostics actually consider themselves as an organized group. It's an individual decision (or indecision, more accurately).


Post Date: 15th Jan, 2005 - 6:39am / Post ID: #

Agnostic Emblem
A Friend

Emblem Agnostic

QUOTE (FarSeer @ 4-May 04, 9:49 PM)
It's an individual decision (or indecision, more accurately).

Thank you so much for saying that! You seem to be the first person who truly understands what agnostics are about! I am not part of an organization or group of any kind. Its truly not a decision to be agnostic, but rather the lack of a decision to put absolute faith in any one belief system due to the lack of knowledge of God. I am agnostic but am always in search of absolute truth if it truly exists. But back to the original question, NO. Agnostic have no emblem or symbol. That would imply loyalty or dedication to a specific area or group. As an agnostic, I claim no religion or specific belief system outside of the knowledge my own studies have yielded.

20th Jan, 2005 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

Emblem Agnostic

I agree, as you see I'm agnostic. At first I put as my religion atheist, but then realized it was not truly correct. It is not that I believe that there isn't god, it is only that I don't believe that there is one, or more precisely, I have no idea whether there is or is not a god.

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