Illegals In The USA - Page 19 of 20

New Yorkers Do to Florida What Latin Americans - Page 19 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 6th Mar, 2019 - 2:57am

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US Illegal Immigrants Security risk - they are working at airports, nuclear power plants and key areas! Illegal Immigration.
Illegals In The USA Related Information to Illegals In The USA
Post Date: 2nd Nov, 2017 - 7:55pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA
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Illegals In The USA - Page 19

Yes I have no mercy. If the table was turned and it was my daughter since I pay for health care I will only get what my doctors will allow. Will that be bad yes. Is there anything I can do about it right now no. But yet these people cross illegally into another country and expect that country do to everything for them at no expense at all to them. I believe that is wrong.

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Post Date: 10th Jan, 2018 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

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USA The Illegals

Heart health at risk for Latinas over worries about deportation. A recent study has found that worry about deportations was associated with multiple cardiovascular health risk factors in Latinas from California's Salinas Valley, an area with a large immigrant community. Source 6p.

Post Date: 4th May, 2018 - 4:47pm / Post ID: #

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Illegals In The USA History & Civil Business Politics

An ironic health care twist for undocumented immigrants. A new analysis highlights an ironic development in the intertwined issues of immigration and health care - two areas where current and previous administrations differ greatly. Undocumented people in certain states may get more medical help while they are here, it finds, thanks to the current administration's effort to give states more flexibility with their health care spending. And in a reversal of the previous administration's stance, states may find it easier to get that permission. Source 9y.

Post Date: 28th Nov, 2018 - 9:06am / Post ID: #

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Page 19 USA The Illegals

Number of undocumented immigrants in US hits 12-year low, report says. The Pew Research Center says economics played a major factor in the decline to 10.7 million people here illegally in 2016. The Great Recession wiped out millions of jobs that attracted undocumented immigrants to the U.S., while the Mexican economy has steadily improved, giving Mexicans more reason to stay in their country. Mexicans remain largest number of undocumented in U.S. Source 3d.

28th Nov, 2018 - 9:45am / Post ID: #

USA The Illegals

How do they know? Are they seeing those huge caravans willing to fight tare gas to get pass the police into our borders?

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 25 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 2.5%

Post Date: 12th Dec, 2018 - 9:45am / Post ID: #

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Illegals In The USA

Feds targeted more worksites last year to crack down on undocumented immigration. The Trump administration last year ramped up arrests nationwide at worksites with undocumented immigrants by mostly targeting those working here illegally and not their employers, according to federal data obtained by USA TODAY.

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Post Date: 27th Feb, 2019 - 9:45am / Post ID: #

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Illegals The USA - Page 19

Thousands of migrant children report they were sexually assaulted while in U.S. Custody. In the past four years, 4,556 children said they were sexually assaulted while in the care of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, which takes custody of unaccompanied minors who cross the southern border alone and those who are separated from their families. The information was released Tuesday by Florida Rep. Ted Deutch’s office. Source 5x.

Post Date: 6th Mar, 2019 - 2:57am / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA Politics Business Civil & History - Page 19

New Yorkers Do to Florida What Latin Americans Do to America. Given the constantly reiterated left-wing charge that opposition to massive immigration is racist and xenophobic, it is important to restate the truth: The reason for opposition to mass immigration into the United States — from almost anywhere in the world, whether legal or illegal —... Source 6v.

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