Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy - Page 3 of 3

Judge Rules “Brain Dead” Jahi McMath May - Page 3 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 8th Sep, 2017 - 11:33pm

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Post Date: 4th Nov, 2015 - 1:34am / Post ID: #

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy
A Friend

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy - Page 3

Why are there no videos showing this girl is awake? I see lots of videos where her eyes are always covered and the last one shows little hearts taped on her eyes. Weird! Did nahlia accidentally step on the shades, perhaps in a drunken stupor? You are aware she's quite fond of the bottle, yes?

Those movements are being done by a tens unit too. They make the muscles spasm and jerk around. I just saw the most enlightening video on a facebook page where a tens unit is making the arm flop around, just like Jahi's arm did.

And I don't think these pictures were taken last week, I think they were taken over a year ago... But they could be recent, if you consider the coprpse of Vladimer Lenin, died in 1924 and still looks VERY good for being dead that long.

These questions are honest ones. I see many, many holes in their story, and many secretive acts that some lucky people have found out and put it on the internet.
And I'm rather audaciosly logical when it comes down to it.

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4th Nov, 2015 - 2:00am / Post ID: #

Tonsillectomy Dead Brain Mcmath Jahi

I have been monitoring this case mostly because of the updates from the News Bot. While I have no particular position about it I feel that if a child goes for what should be a simple procedure she should not come out of it a vegetable - someone must take responsibility for that.

I'm curious as to why of all the Topics here you would join specifically for this one? Do you have a personal vested interest in this case or a representative of the hospital? I do not know if you are a parent, but if it was your child what would you do?

Post Date: 4th Nov, 2015 - 2:43am / Post ID: #

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy
A Friend

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I'm a local woman who has been innuated with the news. I am also a person who suffered tremendous personal loss over 3 years ago. My recovery was as grueling as it gets, but I did learn how to live again. I am also a former patient of OCH, which is a very wonderful hospital, and anyone worth their salt knows this.

Yes, it did get personal on a few levels. I think right now my biggest gripe is they actually want to sue this fine institution. It is highly valued in our community and in California. I am darn tired of OCH beiing disprespected, and smeared, by what I see as a pack of liars. They have done nothing to prove conclusively that this child lives. They need to have an outside audit for one thing. For another, why is it taking them so long to build their case? Are they having a hard time coming up with a good story? It seems so.

Will I get my questions answered now? I know you can only say so much, since you aren't at Jahi's bedside.
But has any of my questions and theories made sense to you? Is it worth discussing further?

5th Nov, 2015 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Tonsillectomy Dead Brain Mcmath Jahi

What is the issue with whether the patient is awake or not? Isn't it the responsibility of the hospital if they performed a medical procedure on a patient that they should give every opportunity for the patient to recover? Along with JB I also ask if it were your child what would you do?

Post Date: 5th Nov, 2015 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Tonsillectomy Dead Brain Mcmath Jahi

Name: Chap

Comments: The issue isn't if the child is awake or not, it is that she is dead and no hospital has a responsibility to a person's care after they have expired. Keeping dead people on a respirator isn't ethical. Any sane parent would not do it. We all feel sorry for any parent who loses a child but we can't afford to keep dead ones on mechanical support at the expense of the government.

Post Date: 6th Nov, 2015 - 10:14am / Post ID: #

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy
A Friend

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy

The issue is a bunch of videos, with no concrete evidence at all.
As for the routine procedure, take note of this description in San Jose Mercury News 12/21/13:

international QUOTE
"According to court documents, McMath was admitted to Children's Hospital Oakland on December 9, 2013 to perform an adenotonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and submucous resection of bilateral inferior turbinates. It was hoped these procedures would provide improved airflow during her sleep at night. The hospital described these procedures as complicated. The family described the surgery as a routine tonsillectomy in media reports."

It was hardly routine.
The harm done was also exacerbated by the fact that Jahi was asked to talk, and she was given chopped-up meat, right after surgery.
The family was sloppy in her aftercare.

So there was a question of; what would I or any loving parent do if their baby dies? Cry, moan, want to die myself, the usual. I've known many parents who had to bury their children. And a parent should NEVER have to bury their child. I think we can agree.
I don't need to get into details on my own journey in life after heart-shattering loss(Two in 2 months). Suffice it to say, moving on was the hardest thing I ever had to do... And I had to do it. I have known and meant many, complete shells after their loved ones' demise. Walking ghosts.
I could not allow that to happen to me, but it took more than just wanting to be ok. One must work for recovery.

Secondly, my assumption is the same; for almost two years now the public has been horribly duped into believing this child lives.
Well, some not all. You won't see any naysayers on their Facebook page. You are not allowed to go there and question what they tell you. Anyone who tries is banned and blocked.
As well as other things, such as dragging their feet on their court dates, and never allowing any outside auditors to their claims.
There are websites with articles and pictures of all kinds, like how Nahlia really spends that money kind people donated for her "Dear child's" Care, and testimonies from real doctors who understand that brain death IS death.

You know I as well as others believe, the "Scamfam" Doesn't have a leg to stand on in court; me, I am here to do my part, to defend this great hospital against the slanderous accusations of the "Scheme team" Known as Nahlia Winkfield, Omari Sealy, and that ambulance-chasing lawyer, Christopher Dolan.

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Post Date: 8th Sep, 2017 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Jahi Mcmath Brain Dead Tonsillectomy - Page 3

Judge Rules “Brain Dead” Jahi McMath May Not be Dead After All. This could be one of the biggest bioethics cases since Terri Schiavo. Source 3q.

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