International Modeling - FAQ - Frequently Asked

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19th Jun, 2014 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

International Modeling - FAQ - Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What do you really do?
A. First of all, so that there are no misunderstandings... We are not a model agency. We do not give you any promises of becoming a 'super model' or a 'star'. We are a web design business and we help models, photographers and others to establish professional web sites on the net.

No scam here! We are even recommended on Crimes of Persuasion as reputable Web Designers. See here.

Q. What is the site for?
A. This site has been established to help you see how good we can make model/photographers look online, but we also offer FREE stuff for your convenience; forum, tips, ads, profiles and contests!

Q. How will I know if I am model quality?
A. You do not need to be 'gorgeous' or 'handsome' since some companies and clients need 'average' faces for commercials and ads. If you will like to be critiqued then please Upload Photos to our Gallery along with some details about hopes.

Q. Is this for Porn, n-de or similar?
A. NO! We do not deal in such things. Please do not send any of these 'kinds' of photos either. We are also very picky about what we put on the net. We believe you do not have to show your 'secret' body parts in order to be a model or to be beautiful. Many top agencies will not deal with models that have 'n-de' as part of their portfolio.

Q. If I send my picture will you give it to others or post it on the net?
A. NO! We do not give out information to others nor post people's picture on the net unless we receive authorization through a signed contract with you, but please do not send us your photos unless you are thinking of taking one of our paid services. You can always Upload Photos though our Gallery for free.

Q. I am afraid of putting myself on the net. I have heard bad stories about it.
A. The net like everything else in life has both good and bad users. It can do no more harm or good than a newspaper ad or television commercial. The only difference is the mode by which you communicate. Most people like to have their info on the net because it means you have a wider audience and the information displayed can be updated easily. You do not have to meet anyone that views your web page, just like you would not have to meet everyone that saw your television or radio commercial.

Q. What kinds of faces do you put on your site?

A. Anyone and everyone that has the drive to become a model. Personality is key!

Q. Does it matter what ethnic background I'm from?
A. NO! All are welcome - in fact the more races the better!

Q. Is this something I have to pay for or is it free?
A. This depends on if you are already a professional, an amateur or just trying. Sometimes we look for models for our own web sites. We can work out a contract with you to have your own site FREE! See a similar question at the start of this page. Sections of this site are divided to cater for those who want to pay for a professional site or for those who just want to just Upload Photos to be critiqued.

Q. I see that you are based in the Caribbean - does that mean I have to be physically in the Caribbean too?
A. Yes and no... Here are the reasons for 'yes' and for 'no':

YES - If your picture is online and a Caribbean based company wants you to be a model to market their product then you may have to meet with them personally to take photos with their product and/or establishment.

NO - Our business does not require us to meet with anyone personally. In these modern times business is done through the net. We have built many web sites for clients that we have never met! If you have a photo online then you can state what country you want to model in so contacts will be generated from your locality only. If it is that you will be modeling for our business then we will just instruct you as to what photos we need and you get your very own FREE site. Sound good right?


Q. Is this for real?

A. We are a REAL web design business. We are registered in the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, but it does not stop us from doing business with the entire world! In fact, if you look at most of our designs you will see that most of the web sites we design are for foreign based companies and clients.

Q. After my site is up what do I do?
A. Use your new web site as a foundation for exposure. Put the web site's address on business cards and resumes just as you would a contact number. Remember to be just as vigilant in replying to emails as you would in answering the phone. Business can come from anywhere!

Q. What are some other things I can do to develop my career?
A. Look for a legitimate agency with direct connections to the industry. Some people seek out modeling schools, but this is dependent on what you feel you need - it may be a help to you or it may just be a waste of money. Get just one or two really professional photographs of you to 'walk' around with as you travel, but do NOT purchase a portfolio 'book' as it may just end up being a waste of money if an agency already has something else 'in mind' for you. Composite cards or comp cards, a printed sheet of your photos, will help prospective clients remember you. Make sure you have a good resume.

Q. I need help with my make-up, walking and expressions... Can you put me on to people that help in these areas or do you do that too?

A. There are people in that area we can most definitely put you on to if you are in Trinidad. In other areas of the world you will need to do some research. We do not change your make-up or anything like that - we just make you look good on the internet - for that you will be sure to get professional advice from us!


Q. I can't get in the members section, how come?
A. The members section are for those that have contracted us to build their highlight or profile page. They get unique items that help boost their online experience that a random visitor will not get.

*(A) We do not want photos already taken. The photos we desire will be in special poses we specify in our emails to you. They will become copyrighted under our name and for this we will have a signed agreement on your part. Photos used can bear the name of the photographer.

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19th Jun, 2014 - 8:16pm / Post ID: #

Asked Frequently FAQ Modeling International

FAQ: Preguntas Mas Frecuentes


P: Me han contactado a traves de otro sitio web, que ideas tienen?
R: Si te hemos contactado a traves de otro sitio web significa que hemos visto tu foto y hemos leido tu perfil y pensamos en dos cosas (Por favor lee ambas respuestas)

1) Que nos gustaría diseñar un sitio web gratis a cambio de que nos permitas el uso de tus fotos que serán utilizadas para promover nuestro negocio (No desnudos por favor). Nuestro negocio se llama Borde Global Impact Designs, un negocio de sitios web. Mayormente es ese el motivo por el cual te contactamos. Lo que tienes que hacer ahora es contactarnos y decirnos si estás interesada/o. Por favor, escríbanos:

A) Nombre
B) Donde están tus fotos (Ya que recibimos cientos de e-mails diarios)
C) Como piensas que podemos trabajar juntos- Se específico/a
D) Tu programa de Chat Online y Numero (Díganos cuando estarás online para charlar)

Si tu haces desnudos ó desnudos artísticos no podremos ofrecerte el sitio gratis [Yes] que poseemos ciertos códicos de etica que debemos respetar. Gracias por entendernos!.

2) Mayormente pensamos, que quizas te gustaría contratarnos para que creamos tu propio sitio web por un muy pero muy buen costo. Si lo que realmente quieres ser exitoso/a en esta carrera, debes tener la exposición que necesitas y el profesionalismo que podemos brindarte. Si tienes un sitio web que no se encuentra al tope de tus expectaciones, por favor, contáctanos.

P: Como se si tengo condiciones de ser modelo?
R: Mándanos tu foto por e-mail con una descripción de ti misma y de tus metas. No necesitas ser 'hermosísima' ó muy bien parecido [Yes] que algunas companías necesitan gente comun para comerciales de televisión y de revistas.

P: Es este sitio porno ó algo similar?
R: NO!, nosotros no manejamos ningun tipo de desnudos ó porno. Por favor, no envies este tipo de fotos tampoco. Somos muy selectivos acerca de que clase de fotos ponemos en la internet. Creemos que no debes mostrar tus partes 'secretas' del cuerpo para querer ser modelo ó aparecer hermosa.

P: Si envío mis fotos, se las darán a otras personas ó la pondrán en la Red?
R: NO!, no damos ningun tipo de información a terceros ni ponemos fotos online al menos que tengamos expresa autorización de tu parte.

P: Tengo miedo de poner mi foto online, he esuchado tantas historias!
R: La Red como cualquier otra cosa en la vida, tiene buenos y malos usuarios. No puedo hacer más daño que un periódico ó un comercial de televisión haría. La unica diferencia es la forma en que te comunicas. La mayoría de la gente le gusta tener su información online [Yes] que la audiencia es mucho más grande y la información puede ser actualizada más facilmente. No tienes por que conocer a alguien que vea tu sitio web, de la misma forma en la que no tienes que conocer a la persona que ve tu comercial de televisión.

P: Que clase de 'caras' están buscando?

R: Cualquier persona que tenga el deseo de ser modelo. Personalidad es la clave!

P: Importa de que origen racial soy?
R: NO!, Todos son bienvenidos, de hecho, mas razas mejor!

P: Es esto algo que tengo que pagar ó es gratis?
A: Depende si eres un modelo profesional, amateur ó solamente estas intentando. Muchas veces buscamos modelos para nuestros propios sitios web. Podemos trabajar con un contrato y crear tu sitio web GRATIS!. Vea pregunta similar arriba al principio de esta página.

P: Veo que están basados en Trinidad- significa que debo estar presente en Trinidad tambien?
A: Si y no...aca van las razones por el si y por el no. SI- Si tu foto es online y una companía de Trinidad quiere contratarte, entonces debes estar presente en Trinidad. NO- Nuestro negocio no requiere que nos conozcamos personalmente. En tiempos modernos, los negocios se hacen a traves de la internet. Hemos creado muchos sitios web para clientes que jamás hemos conocido!. Si tienes una foto online, puedes colocar de que pais eres y futuros clientes te contactarán desde ese pais. Si modelarás para nuestro negocio, entonces te diremos que clase de fotos necesitaremos y obtendrás tu propio sitio web GRATIS!. Suena bien no es cierto?.

> TOPIC: International Modeling - FAQ - Frequently Asked


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