When To Have A Baby?

When Baby - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 12th Feb, 2015 - 12:27am

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Having a Baby 101 Also see: Baby Development
12th Feb, 2015 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

When To Have A Baby?

A Baby - Should the family start now?

History: The information I am sharing in this Thread used to be hosted on one of my son's domains but we are looking to bring it all into the Community now to not isolate his domain to that.

As a parent of three children under the autism spectrum I can tell you that I wish I was better prepared before deciding to have a baby. Maybe this information will help you determine your readiness.

There is not a "Right" Time to have a baby, but there exists some factors; physical, emotional and financial that may determine if you are ready to have one or not. I'm sure that you have lots of questions and fears about becoming a mom... It happened to me and to every woman that wants to have a little child. As I said before there exists some factors that are important to consider if you want to become pregnant:

Physical: A very good book that helped guide us through my wife's pregnancy was It's Your Pregnancy by Niels H. Lauersen. Here is a quote from it:

international QUOTE
The most fertile period for a woman is in her teens, but few people would advocate pregnancy until later in life, when a woman has had a chance to develop emotionally. Yet a woman in her thirties, a person who is psychologically prepared to raise a child, is less able to conceive. A recent study seems to confirm that the optimal reproductive years for a woman are those between twenty and thirty. A woman over forty may have irregular ovulation and conception may take a little time. These facts should not be discouraging to women to wait, because great care is being taken to see that high-risk pregnancies (Which includes over-forty pregnancies) are carried to term trouble free. Now it must not be forgotten that men who postpone parenthood are also going to be affected. An older woman's difficulty conceiving can be due to the fact that her partner is older too. The sperm of a forty-year-old is not the same of the sperm of a twenty-year-old. Sperm slows with age. Ultimately the right time to have a baby arrives when your hearts says now.

Let your feelings about motherhood come freely and let your heart decide when is the best moment to become a parent. There are women who have waited for the right moment to get pregnant because they were busy for a few years with this or with that and when they were finally ready, their bodies didn't co-operate. Think that motherhood is the best gift and blessing that the Lord can provide to a woman. If for some reason you can't have your own children, there are millions of kids in adoptions agencies or orphanages waiting for a loving mom that can take care of them... Maybe you're one of them.

Financial: It seems that all the world is about "Money" And the fact that you wanna be a parent means that you have to think in all the temporal things that your son or daughter will need such as food, clothes, school, activities, etc. If you're not rich you'll have to make a lot of sacrifices to provide your child all that he/she needs for her well-being. But your kid is worthy of it!. Make a budget and try to spend only the necessary and in this way you'll have control of your expenses and you'll be able to handle the money more wisely when your baby arrives.

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12th Feb, 2015 - 12:07am / Post ID: #

Baby Have When

Am I Pregnant?
How do I know if we are going to start a family?

He is moving again...

My husband went to a meeting in the church and when he came back home he brought for me one of my favourites foods: chicken and chips. He knows that I love it!. He expected that I would enjoy it as I always did in the past but when he opened the door and he showed me the food I said, "YUCK!". I could not look at it, smell it, be close to it, I felt so upset in my stomach ! At that moment, I didn't know that I was pregnant and that this was the reason for not being able to smell this kind of food. My hubby said "Wow, you really have to be sick to not eat your chicken and chips" *smile*.

The first noticeable symptom of pregnancy might be anything from a slight change in skin colour to a violent atypical reaction to a familiar scent or a favourite food like my case. The first faint hint often proceeds the missed period by several days (Surprisingly when you're regular in your periods). Other symptoms can be clear signs of pregnancy, sometimes in early-pregnancy breast tenderness, the bluish veins on the breasts tend to stand out more and the nipple area darkens. May you experience lots of headaches as I did.

There might be an increased urge to urinate... Going to the bathroom every five minutes ! and in some cases can be painful, too. Of course the well known "Morning sickness" (All day sickness was for me!) that cause nausea and vomiting, sometimes you may feel just nausea or vomiting or both at the same time. You may feel more tired than usual and that will persist more often throughout the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy or even in your whole pregnancy. Anyway, because of the advance of medicine there are tests that allows you to know if you're pregnant or not in a matter of minutes. Approximately in five or seven days after you missed your period you can perform a home pregnancy test, you can buy this in any drugstore. This test gives you a positive or negative answer with a 98% accuracy. I was so nervous the night before to do this test that I hardly slept at night and I get up at 6 at the morning to do the test and when I saw that was positive I turn on the lights and wake up my hubby saying: "It's positive, it's positive!" *smile*.

12th Feb, 2015 - 12:10am / Post ID: #

When To Have A Baby? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Embryo Development Month 1 (5 Weeks)

Pregnancy Test: What you can expect at this month's checkup: Your doctor will want to check the pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing, the date of your last normal menstrual period to determinate your due date (Date of delivery), your uterus and cervix for signs and approximately age of pregnancy. If there's any question or doubt a pregnancy test may be ordered if you haven't already had one. Your doctor will ask lots of questions about your health and personal medical history, your family medical history, your social history and factors in your personal life that might affect your pregnancy.

What you may be feeling:

Absence of menstruation
Fatigue and sleepiness
Frequent urination
Nauseas and vomiting (Morning Sickness)
Heartburn, indigestion
Food aversions and cravings
Breast changes

Image below (Wiki): An embedded mass of cells in two parts: the placenta and the body itself.

When To Have A Baby?
When To Have A Baby? (Hover)

12th Feb, 2015 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

Baby Have When

5-7 Weeks

What you can expect at this month's checkup: You can expect your doctor to check the following, though there may be variations depending upon your particular needs and your doctor's style of practice:
Weight and blood pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Hands and feets for sweelling and legs for varicose vains
Symptoms you have experiencing, especially unusual ones
Questions or problems you want to discuss (Have a list ready)

What you may be feeling: You may experience all these symptoms at one time or another or only one or two. Don't be surprised if you don't feel pregnant yet, its a matter of time.

Fatigue and sleepiness
A need to urinate frequently
Nauseas with or without vomiting
Heartburn, indigestion
Food aversions and cravings
Breast changes
Occasional headaches
Occasional faintness or dizziness
Tightness of clothing around waist and bust, abdomen may appear enlarged, probably due to bowel distention rather uterine growth.
Mood swings (You may feel "Moody" All the time! Your hubby knows what I mean)

Morning Sickness, what to do?

Eat a diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates, both of which fight nausea. Take plenty of fluids, especially if you're losing them through vomiting. If they are easier to get down than solids when your stomach is upset, use them to get your nutrients. Take a prenatal vitamin supplement but take it at a time of day when you are least likely to chuck it back up-possibly before you go to bed. Avoid the sight, smell, and taste of foods that make you sick. Eat often and before you feel hungry. Six small meals are better than three large. Get some extra sleep and relaxation. Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after each bout of vomiting as well as after each meal.

Frequent Urination, what to do?

Leaning forward when you urinate will help ensure that you empty your bladder completely and may reduce trips to the bathroom. If you find you go frequently during the night, try limiting fluids after 4 p.m. Don't, however, limit fluids otherwise.

Excessive saliva, what to do?

There's no sure cure, but brushing your teeth frequently with a minty toothpaste, rinsing with a minty mouthwash or chewing gum can help dry things up a bit.

Fatigue, what to do? Baby yourself:

Take a nap, watch the TV or read a good book if you can't sleep. Let others baby you: Accept relative's offer to vacuum and dust the house when they're visiting. Let your dad take the older kids to the zoo on Saturday. Enlist your sister or aunt for chores like laundry and marketing. Ask your hubby gives you a nice massage on your feet (My hubby Jean always was willing to do it) *smile*. Be sure that your diet isn't deficient: Double check to make sure you're filling all of your requirements. Check your environment: Inadequate lighting, poor air quality or excessive noise in your home or workplace can contribute to fatigue.

Trouble Sleeping, what to do?

Get enough exercise: A body that gets a workout by day will be a sleepier body at night. Set a leisurely pace at dinner: Don't gobble your meals on a television tray, partake at the table, with your spouse and a healthy helping of relaxing conversation. Develop a bedtime routine and stick with it: After dinner, maintain the easy pace, focusing on activities that relax you. Indulge in light reading or television, soothing music, relaxation exercises, a warmth bath, a back rub or a head rub from your hubby can help a lot!

Image below: A growing uterus and fetus are both shown here in Sol's Scan. She was really excited to see our baby develop.

When To Have A Baby?
When To Have A Baby? (Hover)

12th Feb, 2015 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

Baby Have When

8 Weeks

What you can expect at this month's checkup: This month you can expect your doctor to check the following:

Weight and blood pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Fetal heartbeat (It can be the most beautiful experience in your whole life!)
Size of uterus by external palpation
Height of fundus (The top of the uterus)
Hands and feet for swelling and legs for varicose veins
Questions or problems you want to discuss

What you may be feeling: You may experience all of the symptoms at one time or another or only a few of them. You may also have additional, less common symptoms.

Fatigue and sleepiness
A need to urinate frequently
Nauseas with our without vomiting
Heartburn, indigestion
Food aversions or cravings
Breast changes
Additional veins visible elsewhere (Around your chest, abdomen and legs)
Occasional faintness or dizziness
Tightness of clothing around waist and bust, if it wasn't tight already, abdomen may appear enlarged by the end of the month
Increasing appetite
Mood swings

Image from Wikimedia public domain.

When To Have A Baby?
When To Have A Baby? (Hover)

12th Feb, 2015 - 12:23am / Post ID: #

When To Have A Baby?

15 Weeks

He is about 5 ounces and 6 to 7 inches long now.

What you can expect at this month's checkup:

Weight and blood pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Fetal heartbeat
Size of uterus by external palpation
Height of fundus (Top of the uterus)
Hands and feet for sweelling and legs for varicose veins
Symptoms you've been experiencing, especially unsual ones
Questions or problems you want to discuss

What you may be feeling: You may experience all of these symptoms at one time or another or only a few of them. You may also have other, less common symptoms.

Decreased urinary frequency
An end to, or a decrease in nausea and vomiting
Heartburn, indigestion
Continued breast enlargement but decreased tenderness and swelling
Occasional headaches
Occasional faintness or dizziness, particularly with sudden change of position
Nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds, ear stuffiness
Bleeding gums
Increased in appetite
Mild swelling of ankles and feet and occasionally of hands and face
Varicose veins
Slight whitish vaginal discharge
Fetal movement near the end of the month

Baby Safety / Mother's Safety
Safety tips during Pregnancy

The home. The highway. The backyard. The most significant risks faced by pregnant women are from pregnancy complications and not from accidents. Accidents often seem "Accidental" That is, to happen by chance. Yet most are the direct result of carelessness, often on the part of the victim herself, and many can be avoided with a little extra caution and common sense. There are a wide variety of steps you can take to prevent injuries and accidents: Recognize that you're not as a graceful as you were prepregnancy. As your abdomen grows, your center of gravity will shift, making it easier for you to lose your balance. You will also find it increasingly difficult to see your feet. These changes can contribute to your becoming accident-prone. Always fasten your seat belt and keep it fastened in cars or planes.

Never climb on a shaky chair or ladder, or better still, don't climb at all. Don't wear high spiky heels, sloppy slippers, or thongs that can snap, all of which encourage falls and twisted ankles. Don't walk on slippery floors in your stocking feet or in smooth-soled shoes. Be careful getting in and out of the tub, be sure your tub and shower are equipped with nonskid surfaces and sturdy grab bars. Check your house and backyard for hazards: rugs without skidproof bottoms, toys or junk on stairways, poorly lit stairs and hallways, wires strung across the floor, overwaxed floors, icy sidewalks and steps. Don't overdo. Fatigue isa major contributor to accidents.

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12th Feb, 2015 - 12:25am / Post ID: #

When Have Baby

Fifth Month
The fetus is now about 8 to 10 inches.

What you can expect at this month's checkup:

Weight and blood pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Fetal heartbeat
Size and shape of uterus by external palpation
Height of fundus (The top of the uterus)
Feet and hands for swellings and legs for varicose veins
Symptoms you have been experiencing, especially unsual ones
Questions and problems you want to discuss


A growing fetus showing the spine and back of the neck. I was really excited to find out we are having a boy!

What you may be feeling: You may experience all of these symptoms at one time or another or only a few of them. Still others may hardly be noticed because you've become so used to them.

Fetal movement
Increasing whitish vaginal discharge
Lower abdominal achiness (From streching of the ligaments supporting the uterus)
Heartburn, indigestion
Nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds, ear stuffiness
Bleeding gums
Hearty appetite
Leg cramps
Mild swelling of ankles and feet, and occasionally of hands and face
Varicose veins
Increased pulse (Heart rate)
Easier -or more difficult-orgasm
Skin pigmentation changes on abdomen and/or face
Fewer mood swings

When To Have A Baby?
When To Have A Baby? (Hover)

12th Feb, 2015 - 12:27am / Post ID: #

When Have Baby Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Six Months

Wow... I feel tired, I think I will nag my husband.

What you can expect at this month's checkup: This month you can expect to check the following, though there may be variations depending upon your particular needs and upon your doctor's style of practise:

Weight and blood pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Fetal heartbeat
Height of fundus (Top of uterus)
Size of uterus and position of fetus, by external palpation
Feet and hands for sweelling and legs for varicose veins
Symptoms you may have been experiencing, especially unusual ones

Questions and problems you want to discuss

What you may be feeling: You may experience all of these symptoms at one time or another, or only a few of them. Still others may hardly be noticed because you've become so used to them.

More definite fetal activity
Whitish vaginal discharge
Lower abdominal achiness (From streching of ligaments supporting the uterus)
Heartburn, indigestion
Nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds, ear stuffiness
Bleeding gums
Hearty appetite
Leg cramps
Mild swelling of ankles and feet and occasionally of hands and face
Varicose veins of legs and/or hemorrhoids
Itchy abdomen
Skin pigmentation changes om abdomen and/or face
Enlarged breasts
Fewer mood swings, continued absentmindedness
A beginning boredom with the pregnancy ("Can't anyone think about anything else?")
Some anxiety about the future

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