Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread SRD

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Regarding the description of Imperial Coins: Asendarian minting with a profile of the emperor on one side and on the reverse a scepter with a common imperial motto circling the edges of the coin, "LOYALTY TO EMPEROR, HONOR FOR EMPIRE, BLESSED BY MAKER".

Regarding cultural practices in terms of death/mourning/honoring the dead
Some of them (villagers) are carrying baskets full of flowers and different herbs to be placed on the graves of the dead, and most are also carrying several strips of fine linen, most white but some dyed in bright hues of yellows. The more religious and superstitious folk tie these strips of linen to different parts of a body, usually the wrists or ankles, in hopes that once the person has passed to the next realm The Maker will see the brightly color strips over what may be the person's darker soul and be swayed to use it for his purposes on the Great Tapestry, and not the Destroyer.

Regarding the Final Rites for the dead Father Bhisen conduct the final rites. He has an oil prepared. He goes to each corpse and smears some oil on their forehead. It's hard to tell from where he is standing at first but when he nears where she is she can see that he is smearing it in the shape of a cross in a circle. He then kneels down by them and speaks soft words she cannot hear. Father Bhisen then rises up and circles his right arm over them while chanting softly. It appears that the older that the person is the bigger the circle is. The young girl for example has the shortest circle of all while he chants....

Regarding the appearance of the Fey Queen "She looked to be a little shorter than 5 feet tall but her presence was overwhelming. Her pale skin gleamed in the light as did her long silver hair. She appeared to be wearing a beautiful, ornate dress made of leaves. It made no noise as she walked. The woman appeared to almost glide across the clearing and not walk." ... "Her words sound as the music of moving water and rustling tree branches."

The people of Clear Creek have bestowed the title of Defenders of Clear Creek upon the party for their part in killing the Grell that had been stalking the village.

Regarding the Fey Queen "She carries herself with a royal demeanor, and possesses an ethereal beauty that no mortal could achieve."

The Calesill: an ancient order of elven and fey warriors devoted to protecting life, light, and most of all, hope. Their numbers were few, and they were sworn to Queen Inasyah, but their traditions and the primary portion of their oaths sang to Leo's ideals.

Outside Sources
The Campaign setting has been in development for some time and there have been contributions made by others that deserve mention as they may come into play at some point in the game:

An Elven tribe known as the Echuir-Sador was developed by a player from an online game (name withheld until/unless permission is given to release):

The Echuir-sador tribe is a small offshoot of wood elves who keep their distance from humans and even most other elven tribes. This separation was caused by a difference of religion as the Echuir-sador worship four deities: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. While the entire tribe worships all four deities, the season that an elf is born under becomes their patron. Summer is the male god of travel and diplomacy, as well as marriage; Autumn is the agender goddess of prophecy, children, and harvest; Winter is the female goddess of war, luck, and the elderly; Spring is the bigender god of medicine, weather, and religious practices.

Unlike the other local tribes, the Echuir-sador attempt to stay hidden away from the encroaching humans, often choosing to hide rather than fight. When placed in a position where they need to battle they will, however, and often with fatal consequences as most Winter elves have been trained in battle from a very young age. When they fight, it is in honor of their goddess and they will leave no survivors. They dislike the human need to expand and take over where they do not belong, but they find other, overly war-like elves as equally irksome.

A small subset of the tribe are referred to as Randir which are sent off as nomads at a young age. The reason why has been long lost to the tales of time, however. These children are born on the day between Seasons, and as such have no god or goddess who watches over them. They leave the tribe once they are considered mature by their tribesmen to find their own destiny away from the tribe. Some return later with new skills, knowledge, and an inner wisdom as to their purpose--others walk off and are never heard from again.
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