Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police - Page 9 of 20

This case is driving me insane. The police - Page 9 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 26th Nov, 2007 - 6:24pm

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Poll: My STRONGEST feelings about the Madeleine McCann case is that...
  The parents were irresponsible to leave her alone       50.00%
  The father is the biggest suspect       0.00%
  The mother is the biggest suspect       5.56%
  Both parents are suspect       22.22%
  Someone known by the parents is the biggest suspect       11.11%
  Someone completely unknown took her       0.00%
  The police were too slow or inexperienced       11.11%
  The British police could have done more       0.00%
  This case is getting too much attention       0.00%
  I have no opinion at all about this case       0.00%
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Madeleine McCann
The search for Madeleine McCann
Post Date: 2nd Nov, 2007 - 12:22pm / Post ID: #

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police - Page 9

LDS_forever, honey, that Look4Maddie character joined because she is one of their PR team, I would not mind much of her words.

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police
Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police (Hover)

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5th Nov, 2007 - 1:20pm / Post ID: #

Police Portuguese and McCann Madeleine

Every time I read the blog of Gerry Mc Cann I really wonder if he is a doctor. He has a way with words and reasoning that's beyond me. Check his latest blog (particularly the bold part):

Gerry's Blog/Diary

Day 184 - 03/11/2007

Today marks six months since Madeleine was taken from us. It is an incredibly long time for us but must be even longer for Madeleine. It is so painful for us simply being separated, but all the more distressing when we have to speculate about the situation Madeleine finds herself. We have no idea whether she is suffering but we have to hope and pray that she is being treated like a princess, as she deserves.

This afternoon there will be prayer vigils in Liverpool, Praia da Luz and many friends will be praying in Glasgow. Tonight we will be attending an ecumenical service to pray for Madeleine and other children who are suffering. There is again a lot of media presence in Rothley and the upshot is that millions of people know Madeleine is still missing and that we will not give up looking for her...

First of all, for a man who got himself involved in missing children cases he knows that statistics show that in kidnapping cases like that, children are killed within an hour after they are abducted. Now, don't take me wrong...I do not blame them for wanting to have hope but to say they do not know if she is suffering and that they hope she is bring treated as a princess is beyond me. spock.gif

Not to mention the contradiction of his second statement about praying for Madeleine and other children she is suffering after all then.

He needs to stop blogging.

By the way, in the same link I provided there is a family picture. Can you all see little Maddie almost out in the picture while her parents have each twin on their arms? Very significant to me.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

6th Nov, 2007 - 2:37am / Post ID: #

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police History & Civil Business Politics

Can you all see little Maddie almost out in the picture while her parents have each twin on their arms? Very significant to me.

Why is this significant? The children look so unhappy in this picture. I suppose kids are not always excited to take pictures. The parents' smiles have no warmth at all and do not look very natural. I am not seeing a "picture perfect" happy family.

I have to wonder what is the real purpose of the blog. Does it serve to deceive the public that the parents are genuinely concerned about their missing child and are moving heaven and earth to find her? Or do the parents believe that the blog is an excellent way to do damage control for their already tarnished image? Perhaps the Mc Canns are using the blog as a coping mechanism or as a way to purge themselves of the guilt that is gnawing away at their conscience. But exactly who are they trying to convince about their innocence? The world or themselves?

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 14 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.4%

6th Nov, 2007 - 12:33pm / Post ID: #

Page 9 Police Portuguese and McCann Madeleine

QUOTE (Geenie @ 5-Nov 07, 10:37 PM)
Why is this significant? The children look so unhappy in this picture. I suppose kids are not always excited to take pictures. The parents' smiles have no warmth at all and do not look very natural. I am not seeing a "picture perfect" happy family.

The reason I said is significant to me is because Maddie looks "left out" of the family picture. Also by reading Gerry's blog we know how both parents feel about the twins, they are so quiet and exactly what they wanted. Maddie wasn't a quiet child, her mom said she would cry 18 hours daily as well as wanting attention all the time. Having three kids under three to take care of with one having special needs is not easy. That's why in my theory one of the parents just could not handle it and killed her accidentally or she woke up in the night and got into a terrible fall. Maddie was heard several nights prior to her disappearance crying for her parents who were partying with friends.

In my opinion, whether her parents killed her by accident, she died as a result of an accident or someone kidnapped her, the Mc Canns are full responsible for the fate of their daughter, after all, they left the three babies by themselves for a whole week while they went drinking and playing trivia with their friends.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

8th Nov, 2007 - 2:53pm / Post ID: #

Police Portuguese and McCann Madeleine

The first Post in this Thread has been updated with a Video of 'who done it?' while pointing fingers at the parents. See what you think.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3218 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

19th Nov, 2007 - 12:49pm / Post ID: #

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police

Some interesting updates:

Madeleine's case was featured once again in America's Most Wanted. Based on the comments I read, it seems like John Walsh seem quite confident the Mc Canns are innocent based on how the show was presented even though the parents remain arguidos (official suspects). Very interesting. Now I understand how Walsh feels about it, after all his son was kidnapped and murdered, having said that he and another famous father whose daughter was also abducted begged to the police to take a polygraph test so they can be ruled out. The Mc Canns said they are willing to take one ONLY if the test is 100% accurate AND if it can be used in a court of the law. Interesting enough, they KNOW polygraphs tests are only 98% accurate and they are NOT admissible in a court of law in Portugal. So for those who may say "Oh they are willing to take one" Bologna! They are actually playing with words, they are rejecting the idea of taking one. Extremely fishy, taking into consideration that if they are saying the truth, the test could help to clear their names in the world's eyes or do they have something to hide? spock.gif

Another interesting update is that the private investigators that the Mc Canns hired says he is 100% sure she is alive and they are VERY CLOSE to find Madeleine:

Portuguese investigators are "100 percent sure" missing toddler Madeleine McCann is alive, Britain's Sunday Mirror reports.

Francisco Marco, a private eye hired by the McCann family to track the missing girl - who would be 4 years old if she's still alive - told The Mirror he is "sure she was abducted."

"We are very, very close to finding the kidnapper," he said.

A Portuguese tipster told the PI that she saw Madeleine inside a van with a woman two days after she went missing.

The tipster then identified the woman from the van in photographs shown to her by detectives.

The investigators believe Madeleine was abducted in a carefully planned operation and moved out of the country. They are close to locating the woman from the photographs.

A friend of the McCann family said Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, are "encouraged by what investigators are saying and have been given new hope."

Madeleine McCann went missing in May while on vacation with her family in Praia de Luz, Portugal...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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19th Nov, 2007 - 1:24pm / Post ID: #

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police - Page 9

I do not think the ratings of the Mirror are very high. In any case if they are so close to a break through in the case and 'catching' the kidnapper then why would they first make a media report about it? If it is true then you have to wonder if this was not all just an elaborate hoax to make the Mc Canns overnight celebrities.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3218 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

26th Nov, 2007 - 6:24pm / Post ID: #

Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police Politics Business Civil & History - Page 9

This case is driving me insane. The police seem not to have clue what they are doing and since they cannot find enough evidence to charge the parents, what they say now? Oh, a "panicked pedophile" killed her. How in the world they reached that conclusion without evidence whatsoever? spock.gif It seems like the pressure is getting bigger as the case needs to be resolved somehow.

Detectives investigating the disappearance of missing British girl Madeleine McCann are close to concluding she was killed the night she vanished after her abductor panicked when the child screamed, the London Daily Mail reported Monday.

Portuguese police are reportedly considering clearing the girl's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, of wrongdoing in in the mystery, which has garnered worldwide attention.

The 4-year-old child vanished on May 3 from a vacation home in Praia de Luz, Portugal, while her parents ate dinner with friends nearby.

Police believe an intruder may have stalked the McCann family and snatched the girl, according to the Mail.,2933,312893,00.html

Next they will say Santa Claus did it. *shaking head*

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

> TOPIC: Madeleine McCann & Portuguese Police


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