How Do You Know You Found The Right One? - Page 5 of 5

But shouldn't someone that is really - Page 5 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th Jul, 2020 - 11:24am

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Choosing the right husband or wife.
16th Mar, 2007 - 1:49am / Post ID: #

How Do You Know You Found The Right One? - Page 5

I remember when I first met my true love. A friend from work, conspired with her newly wed husband, to set me up on a date. The meeting was supposed to take place at their wedding! Yes that's right! Anyway, it turns out that I never went. However, these two were still determine for us to meet. After their honeymoon, they decided to try again. So they invited us both to dinner at their house. I fell in love with the moment I saw him! But alas! The feeling was not mutual. So to cut a long story short, I went out on several dates with him and tried very hard to impress him. I wore the perfect dresses, make up was flawless and my perfume was never too overpowering. But one night, I had a disaster! I ran out of clothes! So while I frantically searched for something, I ended up selecting a new jersey, a plain pair of jeans and sandals. I was late for that particular date and forgot to apply make up. Much to my amazement, my future husband loved the way I looked that night! He said I looked so much younger without the make up and so beautiful too! And that's when I knew that I found my soul mate! He saw the real me and fell deeply in love. We also noticed that we shared the same thoughts and ideas. If I thought of calling him about an idea I just had, the phone would ring and he would explain why he was calling. I would usually laugh and say that I was just having the same thought too! This still occurs all the time even up to this day! My true love was tall, handsome, confident, humorous and very sensitive to my needs and others too. When I lost hope, he was always there, my biggest cheerleader. When others jeered and lost faith in me, he was always there to provide moral support and never wavered. He was gentle, understanding and gave me the courage to continue.

Reconcile Edited: Geenie on 16th Mar, 2007 - 1:51am

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Post Date: 24th Jun, 2008 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #

One The You You How

Name: Tony

Comments: After 15 years of marriage I believe you know you found the right one after everything has been tested and your still together! Marriage is not easy, if it wasn't for the [intamacy] sometimes I think we would just kill each other. But growing together after the initial infatuation or living up to our cultural notions of romance I think we must choose to become selfless and set a priority of putting the other person first in order to survive. Not an easy task because I have a list of things that my wife does that are to our demise... and she has her list too. If you can put that list down and still love that person and want the best for that person than I think you have found the right one.

Post Date: 31st Jul, 2010 - 8:48pm / Post ID: #

How Do You Know You Found The Right One? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Name: DK

Comments: You'll never know at first. After years if you are still happy as when you first met then you know you found the right person.

20th Apr, 2020 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 One The You You How

I don't believe there is a 'right one', but I suppose there is a 'mostly right one'. No one is perfect, therefore there can't be a 'right one'. You can get really close, I suppose!

15th Jul, 2020 - 5:52am / Post ID: #

One The You You How

I know she’s the right one but man I can never explain why. It’s not because we share interest, or we seldom fight (We always do). It’s not because she’s the mother of my kids (Coz I still think she’s the one even without kids).
I guess maybe because she brings out the best and the worst in me. I can simply say that I love her but I’m sure that qualifies another question like, how can I say that I love her.

15th Jul, 2020 - 11:24am / Post ID: #

How Do You Know You Found The Right One?

But shouldn't someone that is really your right match bring out the best in you and not the worst in you? There may be disagreements but it should not reach the point of bringing out the worst in you.

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