A Prophecy Of The USA

A Prophecy Usa - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 5th May, 2006 - 4:53am

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Post Date: 28th May, 2005 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #


A Prophecy Of The USA

Look over the following quote from Abraham Lincoln in 1864 and reply as to wether you think this is something to be fulfilled or skepticism based on the time that has passed by already.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."
-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 - (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY)

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28th May, 2005 - 2:37pm / Post ID: #

USA The Prophecy A

Abraham Lincoln's assassination seems to have been planned by those whom he was disturbing and those to which the "prophecy" refers...


What many do not understand is that the philosophy that moves these things into action is not capitalist but collectivist.

George Washington was reported to have had a vision - makes for fascinating reading and seems to have been (or is being) fulfilled, and has some bearing on the matter.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

28th May, 2005 - 2:51pm / Post ID: #

A Prophecy Of The USA History & Civil Business Politics

I think that this prediction by Abraham Lincoln was probably aimed at the "robber barons" of the late Nineteenth Century, along with the "Trusts" that developed as absolute monopolies over many different industries.

Other than that, I agree completely with Dubhdara.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2005 - 12:31pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

USA The Prophecy A

"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests.An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy."
-- Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th US President

"The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history. With a country so rich in natural resources, talent and labour power the system can afford to distribute just enough wealth to just enough people to limit discontent to a troublesome minority. It is a country so powerful, so big, so pleasing to so many of its" citizens that it can afford to give freedom of dissent to the small number who are not pleased. There is no system of control with more openings, apertures, flexibilities, rewards for the chosen.

["¦] There is none that disperses its" control more complexly through the voting system, the work situation, the church, the family, the school, the mass media - none more successful in mollifying opposition with reforms, isolating people from one another, creating patriotic loyalty."

-- Howard Zinn, from "A People's History of the United States," first published 1981

Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2005 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

A Prophecy Of The USA
A Friend

USA The Prophecy A

Considering that over 100 million American voters did not vote in the last election, and considering that the American National Debt is almost totally owned by China, and that the trickle down theory is really working for China and Asia at America's expense, the question remains .... when 5% of the population controls 90% of the wealth and power, and when corporations and special interests have over 30,000 lobyists in D.C. (1970's only 750) to get their welfare and prevent the poor and needy Americans from getting theirs, at what point will the bubble finally burst.

The British Empire worked this system for about 300 years before their house of cards collapsed. I wonder how much time the USA will have.

Post Date: 5th May, 2006 - 4:53am / Post ID: #

A Prophecy Of The USA
A Friend

A Prophecy Of The USA

Unfortunately, people have been saying this for years. It may well turn out that this was a truly prophetic statement by Lincoln, I hope otherwise of course. We are at a point when we can scarcely hope to level the playing field anymore among our citizens. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer, and people like to blame everyone else. I don't have the answers to this problem, but then, the people who do are working against it and are exactly the people Lincoln was referring too.

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