Who Wrote The Bible?

Who Wrote Bible - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 6th Oct, 2006 - 7:57am

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Post Date: 20th Jun, 2006 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

Who Wrote The Bible?

Who Wrote The Bible?

Was it just one person or many people or God himself?

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Post Date: 21st Jun, 2006 - 8:26am / Post ID: #

Who Wrote The Bible?
A Friend

Bible Wrote Who

We know for a fact that many people wrote the bible over the expanse of a couple thousand years. The debate comes in deciding if it is indeed god inspired or even perfect at that. Being that man is not perfect and that man wrote it, I believe it is not only imperfect but wholly influenced by the social, economic, and religious happenings of the era they were written in.

If god really inspired it, then why do so many things contradict? It is evident by the fact that different christian sects can hold opposite beliefs both backed by the same bible. Its all about interpretation. Man wrote many different things during different time periods and in the end, they came together to create a wholly new religion of christianity.

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2006 - 9:10pm / Post ID: #

Who Wrote The Bible?
A Friend

Who Wrote The Bible? Revealed Bible The

Was it just one person or many people or God himself?

Wow, that is a rather blunt question...the Bible has 66 chapters because there are so many authors. But the truth is that in your question the latter two listed are correct.

Many people: Moses, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and so many more contributed to the writing, but the true author is the Holy Ghost.

For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21

Post Date: 6th Oct, 2006 - 7:57am / Post ID: #

Who Wrote The Bible?
A Friend

Bible Wrote Who

Well thats a decent argument for the old testament, the letter in question (and it is questioned, most scholars no longer believe Peter wrote 2 Peter), he was writing a letter, not scripture, at least not what he thought would be scripture. Ancient times for the writer was long ago from him, not us, so he was referring to the Jewish scripture.

If you knew all the other gospels and epistles and different christianities that were popular in that time period, you would no longer think they were god breathed scripture. In fact, in the early years of christianity, the gospel of John and the Revelation of John were considered heresy by many. Its funny how somethings can turn from heresy to god breathed over a couple hundred years.

In the end, scripture is widely known to have been changed slightly over times, and sometimes even radically changed. Most older versions of the scriptures have margin notes that were later added as scripture, and in some cases, entire parts of "modern" scripture are not even in the oldest and earliest copies of things like John and Mark. So if god breathed the scripture, then it was violently and radically change, and frequently at that.

Check out "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman. He actually has pictures of the scrolls with notes in them and missing text from today.

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