Smokeless Tobacco ( Yuck !)

Smokeless Tobacco Yuck ! - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 9th Nov, 2004 - 12:51pm

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Post Date: 26th Aug, 2004 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

Smokeless Tobacco  ( Yuck !)
A Friend

Smokeless Tobacco ( Yuck !)

I don't see how people can walk around with this junk (snuff / dip) in their mouth. What really gets to me is to see someone out in public just spitting all over the sidewalk. ( bus stop / mall) It got to the point where you can't even wait in the waiting room. ( car shop ) Without someone sitting there with a spit bottle just going to town. ( Yuck!) tongue.gif I thought smokless tobacco was banned from public buildings ? Does anyone know ?

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26th Aug, 2004 - 3:31pm / Post ID: #

Yuck Tobacco Smokeless

Darius, when you ask about smokeless tobacco being banned, I assume you are referring to US legislature? As far as I know it is not banned in public, ie, at the park, on the streets, etc, but as for buildings, that is up to the individual businesses that reside there. More than the repulsiveness of spitting/chewing are the dire health risks that smokeless tobacco brings such as throat and mouth cancer. I have a friend who uses smokeless tobacco or chew tobacco as it is more commonly called, and every time we go on a fishing trip, etc he is armed with his tin can of chew and an empty plastic bottle. It is just as addictive as cigarettes with as many health risks.

26th Aug, 2004 - 4:54pm / Post ID: #

Smokeless Tobacco ( Yuck !) Health & Special Psychology

I hate tobacco use of any kind. My father died from smoking related diseases. I would be thrilled to see all forms of tobacco outlawed. That isn't going to happen though because the tobacco industry is way too powerful. As for chewing in public, this makes me nauseous. If you've ever been to a bar that allows it and seen someone who is drunk with tobacco dribbling down their chin, then you know what I mean. I have never used tobacco in any form and never will. Right now my mother, who quit smoking nearly 3 years ago, has to be on oxygen 24/7 to live. It's so sad to see her not being able to do the things she used to. What kind of life is it to not do anything but sit in front of a TV day in and day out. She can't go out without help and even then she gets tired very fast. All this because of the addiction to tobacco. So, whether it's smokeless or not I think all tobacco should be banned.

Post Date: 9th Nov, 2004 - 12:51pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Yuck Tobacco Smokeless


Proposals to ban smoking generally boil down to two schools of thought. One is that cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke compromise personal and public health. The other is that bans on smoking are an infringement on personal freedoms.

> TOPIC: Smokeless Tobacco ( Yuck !)


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