Worship of Saetha
"Saetha", I whispered, kneeling at the foot of my bed, "grant me patience and understanding with all I meet. Open my eyes to their ways and my heart to their wants. Teach me to show kindness and forbearance in all things. Grant me the wisdom to best temper justice with mercy, to know true enemies from those who merely vex or frustrate me." I paused, then, listening. I hoped that my words would please her. Perhaps she might whisper some words of enlightenment or encouragement to me in my sleep.
Most beautiful lady of Herjolf
The most beautiful lady I ever saw… didn't look much like Lady Fluke, but don't tell her that. She was young, thin, poised and coy without being too cool or aloof. She had lustrous long black hair framing a heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a dark grey-green like spinels, and her features regular and soft. Her clothes, although they covered her body, did little to conceal the musical curves of her figure. When she saw me, she gave me a slight smile that brought my heart to a stop.
Ozz Kingdom of Herjolf
I swam through dreams of travel, of adventure, of discovery and dominion. Through these sojourns came the voice of my mother, telling me of a Kingdom that I would henceforth rule in my dreams, the land of Ozz. I beheld at my feet a fair land, prosperous, peaceful, filled with industrious subjects happily and successfully making their way through life. Seeing this, I smiled, and vowed to myself that such would be any kingdom I ruled in Medieval, as well.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
"Herjolf?" a gruff voice spoke at my side, as soon as I entered the tavern. Startled at the mention of my name, I looked over at the voice's source: a dwarf with a coal-black beard and pale eyes and skin.
"Who are you?" I demanded, scowling mistrustfully.
The dwarf bowed: "Balin at your service," he said courteously. "I represent a wealthy patron who has taken an interest in your affairs. He knew your father, apparently."
I smirked: "Another secret friend of my parents. What do you want, Balin?"
Balin shook his head. "You mistake me. It is not about what I want at all, but about what my patron wants. He likes to support people he considers promising, people who will go places. What is more, he wants people who will act for the good of the realm. You have, in his judgement, both the talent and the aura to be worthy of his largess."
I crossed my arms. "And what is it I have to do in exchange for this 'largess'?" I demanded.
"Likely nothing you would not do otherwise," the dwarf said, "just that you should do it with enthusiasm and ambition." He gestured towards a table in a quiet corner. "Come, let us talk some more."