Citizen: Farseer - Page 9 of 9

Interestingly enough, I didn't quite - Page 9 - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 2nd Aug, 2008 - 2:26am

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In Cozyville!
7th Dec, 2007 - 5:39am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer - Page 9

Finally, some rain! The hats and gloves and scarves are selling a bit more briskly, and the cold snap in the air is really delightful for a change. I'm sad to see our garden so bare, but we had a lovely harvest. Already, we are planning our spring plantings. Louis, dear man, has found a few heritage seed catalogs and is quite absorbed.

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18th Dec, 2007 - 7:50am / Post ID: #

Farseer Citizen

As heavy rain drums steadily on the roof, a pot simmers cozily on the stove; as children quietly play "pretend" with dress-up dolls, a cat snoozes coiled in a nearby basket; as a mother, comfortable in her overstuffed chair, patches worn out knees on denim coveralls, warmth from the hearth envelopes the room; as a husband dons a hat and coat to venture out for more firewood, peace, security, and love fill the home.

As rain water begins to drip down from the ceiling, the pot on the stove boils over; the children argue and kick over the basket with the cat; mother pricks her finger with the mending needle, while a spark from the fire spits out and lands on the carpet, smoldering; hubby steps outside and is soaked through his heavy coat in an instant. Anarchy reigns!

30th Dec, 2007 - 5:11am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer Archive RPG Cozyville

Wouldn't you know it? My last shipment of new shoes was infested with BUGS! Yes, BUGS! What in the world would a load of shoes have to interest a gang of creepy crawlies? I'm not even sure what they were, to tell the truth. Some kind of beetle? All I know is that they were nesting in a rather messy way in my spring espadrille stock. I promptly returned the boxes, but I doubt we'll get any credit for it. Who can control insects?

7th Jan, 2008 - 2:25pm / Post ID: #

Page 9 Farseer Citizen

::boarding up windows with plywood:::lashing down tarps over the roof:::sand bagging perimeter:::

18th Jan, 2008 - 6:29am / Post ID: #

Farseer Citizen

Our great storm was not so fierce as first believed, but we did suffer some minor damage to the roof - some shingles blew off and caused a bit of a leak. Easily fixed, and not too pricey. It was actually kind of nice to hunker down at home, secure behind our sturdy walls, with candles ready and a glowing fire for warmth. Dear Louis was so manly when he helped the little girls feel safe by arming them with their own "wind up" flashlights. We snuggled inside our sleeping bags in front of the hearth and told fairy tales until the storm abated and we slept.

4th Feb, 2008 - 9:05pm / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer

Already having to display the Spring Line while it's still cold and stormy out is just unbelievable. And in the morning, I'll have to meet with the shoes rep to discuss FALL again! Can you handle that? It's crazy! Sometimes I wonder why I delved into retail fashion at all... but, I guess it's just in my blood. I love the textures, colors, and styles that filter down to us from the "haute couture" - even if "off the rack" is two years behind!

Louis, dear man, has been hinting that he'd like to remodel the house - maybe add on a room for a library or re-do the girls' room. You know, he's so hard working and steady and loving... if he would like to start a project, I am 100% behind him. I'll even ignore the dust and debris and help when I can. Louis is a wonderful husband.

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2nd Aug, 2008 - 2:26am / Post ID: #

Citizen Farseer - Page 9

Interestingly enough, I didn't quite buy enough for the summer line - we ran out of swimsuits! Can you believe it? I have nothing left for the clearance sale! But I think that's a good, thing, really. At least I won't have to donate the suits no one wants. Better to sell out than not sell, eh?

The sales tax deadline was yesterday, and I nearly forgot it! How can one forget that the taxes are due each and every quarter? My goodness, what a penalty that would have been, to have missed the deadline. Just one day and the penalty is 6 percent plus interest for each day beyond. Incredible how they "gig" you at every turn.

Little Rozzy and Lizzy - my little dumplings - are getting so big! School is starting soon, and they (of course) get the pick of the new lines. They will look so cute in the new bold fall colors. We've been enjoying planting our seeds for pumpkins... the little seedlings are so cute! Jack-o-lanterns are a MUST in October. The girls would be so disappointed not to have any growing in the yard. Maybe this year we'll have enough to share with the neighbors.

Louis, dear man, has been working so hard on adding onto the house! I so appreciate his hard work, and he's even been considerate about the dust and debris clean up. Did I make a great choice with this guy, or what? I have plans to surprise him this weekend with a "kidnap dinner" after work. I'm just going to show up at his office and whisk him away to a lovely little restaurant. The girls will be fine with their Granny and Papa for a few hours - frankly, I think they could use a break from us, too!

Life is blissfully happy!

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