Citizen: Cwahsheh

Citizen Cwahsheh - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 18th Apr, 2006 - 11:39pm

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In Cozyville!
Post Date: 11th Apr, 2006 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

Citizen: Cwahsheh

Our latest Cozyville prospect, Cwahsheh, just came into the Town looking at the prospects of setting up home in Cozyville!

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12th Apr, 2006 - 9:20pm / Post ID: #

Cwahsheh Citizen

I needed a change of scenery and decided to make a fresh start in Cozyville. One of the first things I did was buy some land so that I can build a modest house on. I tried to find a spouse but was deemed to ugly so I had cosmetic surgery. Now, I'm as gorgeous as a model.

15th Apr, 2006 - 2:21pm / Post ID: #

Citizen: Cwahsheh Archive RPG Cozyville

Today I decided I needed to get a job. So after sending out resumes and buying the proper interview clothes, the best I could do was serving burgers at the local fast food restaurant. At least it's a job right. Maybe soon I can turn on my utilities and actually see what I wrote on my resume to get such a low paying job. Got to go for now. It's off to work I go. undecided.gif

18th Apr, 2006 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Cwahsheh Citizen

What a terrible week. I was reading the Cozyville newspaper and was horrified to learn that I was perceived to be something like a ghost or a witch. Why? Because I was too cheap to pay for utilities. Apparently I was drawing attention to myself by living in a completely dark house. So today, while flipping burgers at the burger shop, I decided to turn on my utilities. When I got home, I discovered that the terrible winds I noticed at work had severly damaged my roof. That cost me 80 FP to repair.

Also, I was robbed of FP yesterday so I had to shell out more money for protection.

On the bright side, I passed my exams at the university. Soon, I'll be able to get a more respectable job.

> TOPIC: Citizen: Cwahsheh


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