Blog - Chomper

Blog Chomper - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 1st Jan, 2008 - 12:29pm

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Dog with an appetite
Post Date: 9th Oct, 2007 - 12:05pm / Post ID: #

Blog - Chomper

Blog - Chomper

This Thread is the Blog of AlaskanLDS's pet named "Chomper".

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29th Oct, 2007 - 7:23am / Post ID: #

Chomper Blog

Chomper or *Chomps for short* is doing very well. We have had a good start and she is almost a month old now. I decided to get her when I moved into COZYVILLE and had to leave behind my dog I had for 12 1/2 years. She was too sick to come with me for a new start. She actually passed away on October 12 and I went back to see her before she had to be put down. She was such a great dog and I can only hope for Chomps will help me to not be so lonely.

Chomper of late has been in a sour mood. I am not sure if I do not have the right food or what--even the last time I fed her, played with her and put her to bed--she was still mad at me--even though her "numbers" said she should of been content. I guess they are more like us--at least I find little things like MOODS, which are not so little sometimes, a common thing between animals and people.

I am not sure about battling, but I am trying to increase her different areas as I can.

Overall, I think she is happy--just not today! undecided.gif

31st Oct, 2007 - 6:19am / Post ID: #

Blog - Chomper Archive RPG Cozyville

Chomper was still in a mood, although I probably gave her reason today. She was sorta happy until I told her we were going to have to take a strength pill--she flat out denied that a couple times! With coaxing I finally got her to take it and I know she will thank me for it someday---just not today~! Seems to be a recurring theme with her! She also did some intelligence training and so I gave her a good meal, let her play with both her truck and plane, and sent her to bed to get some rest. As I noted, she was fairly angry with me, but Mom knows best!

19th Nov, 2007 - 9:27am / Post ID: #

Chomper Blog

It has been some time since we posted here. Chomps has had a bit of a hard time dealing with the new baby in Cozyville but I spent some good, quality time with her today and she seemed really happy. She is getting really big too!

30th Nov, 2007 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #

Chomper Blog

Poor CHOMPER! I am surprised she is even talking to me (in dog language!) I ran out of food for her and then went to the store to get some---did I get it? NO! I totally spaced it so I gave her some scraps but she scarfed down the food when I got it home today! I will have to give her some extra special attention! starblue.gif' /><!--endemo-->  </p><div> </div> </div>



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29th Dec, 2007 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

Blog - Chomper

My mom (people mom) has been so sick and taking care of her baby. I am glad I can go a little while being hungry because with my people dad away at work sometimes she forgot to feed me. I still love her though and today she is feeling lots better and she fed me really good stuff and a little something extra. I think she was trying to tell me she was sorry and I know she didn't mean too. I love my peeps!

Kind of tired from all that good food--gonna take a nap now!

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31st Dec, 2008 - 3:32am / Post ID: #

Blog Chomper

Sometimes I am not sure about my dog! She is way grumpy today and I really tried to feed him good food and even tried to do some intelligence training--maybe she wasn't in the mood for that? Hope she is feeling better tomorrow!

1st Jan, 2008 - 12:29pm / Post ID: #

Blog Chomper Cozyville RPG Archive

I don't think that New Years Eve is supposed to be fun for animals.
All that noise and fireworks--my peeps are going ga-ga over them and frankly I am tired but do they care? No, it seems not! They are all laughing but all I can do is howl and howl and howl which in turn gives me a headache.

I am going to go to bed now and wake them up good and early! They should really love that since they went to bed at 3:30! And they call us animals!

> TOPIC: Blog - Chomper


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