Did you know? North Korea Engages in Forced Abortions
Like the Chinese government, officials in North Korea practice a regime of forced abortion and infanticides, according to a human rights report released Monday by the Bush administration.
Written by the State Department, the report says, "The [government of North Korea's] human rights record remained extremely poor, and it continued to commit numerous serious abuses." Ref. Source 5
North Korea's Kim Jong-un Forces Women to Drown Their Babies, Have Abortions
The Washington Times reports today February 17th that a new U.N. Report, on North Korea, alleges that the Kim Jong-un regime has been guilty of crimes against humanity including forcing women to abort their babies or killing them after birth. The Washington Times article follows:
The North Korean regime is committing systematic and widespread human rights abuses, including forcing mothers to drown their newborn babies and setting up secret prison camps, a United Nations report released Monday found. Ref. Source 6
North Korea Shock: Newborn Infants Are Murdered While Mothers Forced to Watch
Yesterday's United Nations Report on the human rights abuses in North Korea unveiled a level of depravity and cruelty unparalleled in modern society. The 36 page initial report and 372 page report of detailed findings also revealed the systematic murder and persecution of society's most vulnerable - the unborn and the handicapped.
It is no secret that eugenics has been a core goal for many history's most brutal dictatorships, and North Korea is no exception. So deep is the desire to eradicate any impurity from the population that no one with a handicap or disability is even permitted to live in the capital city of Pyongyang, even if that disability was acquired through injury or illness. Ref. Source 5
Escape From North Korea: She Was Sold Into Slavery and Forced to Have an Abortion
In 1998, Ji Hyunah was sold into slavery in North Korea under Kim Jong-un’s regime and then forced to have an abortion without anesthesia. Ji explained more about her experience with The Telegraph. Ref. Source 4