The Need For Swearing? - Page 3 of 6

Just so that I understand, it is your opinion - Page 3 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 29th Dec, 2006 - 1:37am

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Posts: 42 - Views: 8211
Poll: How often do you swear using really bad words?
  Every hour on the hour       9.52%
  At least once a day       14.29%
  Once a week       9.52%
  In a blue moon       23.81%
  Never!       42.86%
Total Votes: 21
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Or is it that your vocab is on the low?
Post Date: 1st Feb, 2005 - 10:27am / Post ID: #

The Need For Swearing?
A Friend

The Need For Swearing? - Page 3

Sorry to disagree on this one, but this is an issue that I feel strongly about. Swear words are defined by the current societies interpretation of a word. Once upon a time, there was a common word used for a child with no father, and a dog of the female gender. These words are now considered swear words because someone used them on a person that didn't fit the description. In stead of putting the pressure on the person, we made the word itself bad. Nothing in and of itself is bad. Humanity creates evil by its own evil desires and thoughts. A large structure that holds back water has been made into a swear word.

Something is only offensive if the person hearing it perceives it as offensive. Point in case, if I say `bloody` around an American, no one gets offended. But if I use that same language in Britain, many people may be offended. Offense is in the perception of the person who hears it. Offensive is not something that can be used to generally label anything. It is absolutely not offensive if the person hearing doesn't find it offensive.

Swearing cannot show ignorance. It doesn't show a lack of knowledge, education, or comprehension, it shows a different point of expression. Swearing merely sounds ignorant to you, its your perception that is different, not a level of ignorance. Because you make a judgement about someones intelligence or knowledge when they swear, you immediately decide that they are ignorant when in fact, you cant know that based on a word they say, its merely your perceived judgement of their character.

In closing, to some people, swearing is offensive. It is merely offensive to you and not to the person who finds something wrong with it. Swearing does not imply ignorance, your interpretation and judgement determine in your heart that the person swearing must be ignorant based on your already biased opinion of swearing. Judgement comes in all forms, be careful that you don't let your personal morals determine your belief about a person based on the language they use. I swear around my friends who also swear. I don't swear around my kids, I don't swear around my friends who find swearing offensive, and I don't swear in public areas where others could be offended.

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Post Date: 25th Dec, 2006 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

The Need For Swearing?
A Friend

Swearing Need The

I think it really just depends on the person and what they are used to.
Personally I swear like if I do it enough, someone will pay me. I seem to swear the most when I'm working on something or I've just broken my toe...again. The more concentration it requires, the more I will probably swear. I'm very prone to breaking my toe and when that occurs I could teach a class on how to swear.

Reconcile Message Edited...
Persephone: We do not need examples.

25th Dec, 2006 - 1:46pm / Post ID: #

The Need For Swearing? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

international QUOTE (Dextral @ 24-Dec 06, 11:25 PM)
I'm very prone to breaking my toe and when that occurs I could teach a class on how to swear.

Sounds like if you are kind of proud of it? spock.gif

I personally think swearing is just a bad habit, I am pretty sure it may take a lot of time to totally get rid of it because if the person swears a lot, the bad words may come naturally.

25th Dec, 2006 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Swearing Need The

There are choice words which in my opinion when used make the person communicating the filth sound extremely ignorant and drastically lower their social standing to that of the unclean gutter, and you will not find me in close proximity to such an individual without me saying something to the effect of how I feel about the misuse of sacred English.

25th Dec, 2006 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Swearing Need The

I think that it's more to do with whether you are brought up used to listening to swear words or not. It is acceptable in some places, but is taboo in others.

I was brought up that you can never swear, whereas my Husband was brought up where everyone swears all the time.
He trys not to swear, but sometimes the habit just comes out. I don't think it has anything at all to do with not being able to command a conversation, in my opinion, it's either a habit that you have or do not have.

Post Date: 28th Dec, 2006 - 2:07pm / Post ID: #

The Need For Swearing?
A Friend

The Need For Swearing?

Sounds like if you are kind of proud of it?

Just stating a fact, I'm clumsy and I simply accept that certain incidents will happen as a result.

Now on swearing, it simply conveys meaning. There are countless ways to do this, and removing the curse word while conveying the same meaning doesn't really change anything. Eliminating the curse word will only results in the usage of a revised or downgraded version of the curse word. Using the replacement curse word still carries the same meaning, thus the end result is the same as if you had used the original unaltered curse word.

Shoot, darn, drat, heck, fudge, and many more are simply downgraded versions of curse words. With the removal of the original curse words from the English language the replacements would become the new unusable curse words. I can't imagine how anyone could declare that cursing is wrong, and then use words that simply replaces a given curse word.

I"ve never thought swearing to show lack of intelligence or ignorance. If swearing is in fact a sign of lacking in intelligence, there are some very unintelligent people holding doctorates at the university I'm currently attending.

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28th Dec, 2006 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

The Need Swearing - Page 3

If swearing is in fact a sign of lacking in intelligence, there are some very unintelligent people holding doctorates at the university I'm currently attending.

In my opinion, a Phd may show that some people have some high academic achievements(let me emphasized some, I met people with Phds who could not spell the word "orange") They may be considered intelligent but smart? Hmmm I don't think so. wink.gif Two completly different things. If a person is that *well* "educated" and have a need to swear, Phd or not the person is without a doubt not very smart.

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 28th Dec, 2006 - 3:36pm

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2006 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

The Need For Swearing?
A Friend

The Need Swearing Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 3

Just so that I understand, it is your opinion that someone far more capable than the average person in metal capacity is considered not very smart if that person swears. That really doesn't make sense. How someone talks is mostly influenced by their upbringing and the environment they were raised in.

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