Does Having Money Make You Happy?
Many work their whole lives to obtain money and possessions, in the end, are you happy for it?
I wouldn't say that I'm "renewed" when I receive an unexpected bonus or windfall of money. (It can actually make me anxious, sometimes, trying to figure out what to do with it...) I usually feel very grateful for anything I receive that makes living a little easier. Something extra generally goes toward something necessary that I've been putting off, or ends up in savings. I dont' spend a lot of "extra" on frivolous things. Although, maybe I'd be happier if I did :)
Money does not make me happy but brings a smile into my face and make my life easier but I will not say that's happiness, since my family is what really makes me happy. Now, this doesn't mean I do not like money because I do (who doesn't??) but my inner happiness have nothing to do with material possesions.
Hehe, I'm only in highschool, and although my sister does work, I don't really feel the need to, because what am I going to do with it? I don't have some grand thing I would like to save my money for, and for all of the little things, like computer games or books, my parents can buy for me. For me, money still doesn't mean a thing. I guess it'll change, though, when I'll have to buy my own things. Remember, money makes the world go 'round ;)
Getting a lump sum of money in my experience has only led to spending it on a debt, or a large purchase. Unless I win the lottery, I would say there is more anxiety with money than anything else.
I know a multi-millionaire who says, having been on both sides, "Money is a problem whether you have it or you don't." It's true. Fortunately, I'm on the "don't" side right now, so when I find "THE RIGHT GIRL," I will know she loves me for ME and for not what I have, since I have nothing. But to answer the question, I always mentally translate money into time and effort, so an unexpected gift gives me a little less anxiety about how I am going to pay for school or food or whatever, but does not make me 'happy' by my definition.
Money in and of itself does not make me happy. It's the security that money provides that makes me happy. While it would be nice to have millions it would not make me any happier. I am happy knowing that I have enough money to keep a roof over my head, enough food, and have the necessary bills paid. If after all that I have money left over, well that's nice but it won't make me any happier.