Politically Correct - Page 2 of 5

Farseer hit the nail on the head with her - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 12th Oct, 2006 - 10:25am

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Are we all the same? I think not...
2nd Feb, 2005 - 6:12am / Post ID: #

Politically Correct - Page 2

I once read a book called "The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook." It had some gems in it, including the following concepts:

To avoid gender specificity, the suffix '-on' can be used. Thus, the person who serves you at a restaurant is a waitron, the person who does your laundry is a laundron, a person on television is an actron, and a person who tempts you is a seductron.

Ecofeminism - the concept that the violation of the natural world and the violation of women are one and the same; hence, some women are called chicks or catty, etc.

A pet is no longer a pet; it is a nonhuman companion animal. I am not white - I am melanin impoverished. Prostitutes are properly called, 'persons presenting themselves as commodity allotments in a business doctrine.'

My point here is that political correctness, while dangerous, is completely hilarious. When I hear people trying to be painfully PC, it indicates to me that their actual points do not have the substance to stand for themselves. The president of the university I attend is a prime example.

I do agree that we should be respectful of others' beliefs, cultures, genders, ideas, and all that, but the essence of what we call 'political correctness' is a good intention taken to a frivolous extreme. For example, as a teacher candidate, I cannot say, "Johnny is epileptic." I cannot say, "Judy is dyslexic." I must say, "Johnny is a child with epilepsy," and, "Judy is a child with dyslexia. I have to say, if I ever heard somebody refer to me as a person with asthma or an individual with Mormonism, I would be tempted to speak in a southern accent and make a mild off-color remark of some sort.

Political correctness takes the approach to diversity that EVERYBODY is wrong, and therefore we are equally wrong. Which reminds me, by the way, that the term politically correct is no longer politically correct. We now should say socially acceptable or culturally sensitive.

Good gravy.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.1%

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2nd Feb, 2005 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

Correct Politically

My own view on the matter is that PC has been created as a humanistic code of "morality" to replace and supplant moral absolutes. With it (PC) the governing power can alter and change what is "right" and "wrong" and thus continually target the groups or individuals it wishes to. It is the tool of tryants and the trap of the unthinking who have no fixed values in their lives.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

Post Date: 25th Sep, 2005 - 3:04am / Post ID: #

Politically Correct
A Friend

Politically Correct History & Civil Business Politics

The euphemisms that politcal correctness created were a matter of saving money from litigation, improving the emotions of the "afflicted" people,and actually make their self-confidence higher. Well, I never said that's a bad thing, but I wish people would stop being so sensitive to their negative aspects. Everyone has problems, so admit them, it will be better for you, and move on.

Post Date: 28th Nov, 2005 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #

Politically Correct
A Friend

Page 2 Correct Politically

I don't believe political correctness exists. It's a bogeyman, a distraction from real issues. The only way political correctness could truly exists would be if a single person or political party controlled the nation and could dictate standards of speech to every citizen. That's just not the situation here where I am, in the USA.

Last I checked, I can call a fat person 'fat' and not get arrested. I might offend that person, but that's not a matter of politics, it's a matter of interpersonal relations.

I do like accuracy and common courtesy. It is impolite (to say the least) to call a black person a 'nigger.' It is inaccurate to call a Native American and Indian--he is not, after all, from India. (The British have a nice solution to this last problem--they refer to Indians from India as 'East Indians,' and to Native Americans as 'West Indians.') If accuracy and courtesy matter to you, ask people what they would like you to call them. If those things don't matter to you, don't ask--but don't be surprised if you offend someone every once in a while, either.

Are we all equal? Yes, and no. We do not share all the same strengths and weaknesses. We each make different choices. We look different. But we are equal in importance to God--He loves each of us--and we ought to treat each other equally well. We also are equal in our human rights, and ought to be regarded equally before the law. Hence the notion that all men are created equal--each of us has the right to self-determination and liberty.

Post Date: 27th Feb, 2006 - 5:03am / Post ID: #

Politically Correct
A Friend

Correct Politically

Political correctness has gone too far but I believe the pendulum is swinging the other way (I.e. UAE port control controversy). Many of the masses of people don't bother to inform themselves so they rely on surrogates. It is better if these surrogates error on the side of political correctness than the side of racism. Before everyone labels me I voted for Bush twice.

Post Date: 27th Feb, 2006 - 6:18am / Post ID: #

Politically Correct
A Friend

Politically Correct

Today, cultural sensitivity is starting to lose its appeal to the masses, I believe. More and more people are getting tired of being told that they cannot call a spade a spade. While sometimes this type of discretion is advised, it should not over ride general common sense. Instead of using common sense, we are forced to use terms that have absolutely no meaning to many of us.

Problem is that you cannot live in a free country without being offended daily, I believe Ben Franklin said that, but the actual quote escapes me. In fact, its so ridiculous as to be offending me to have to use it! Why should I have to change everything I say so as to put it into a sentence that does not offend you? Don't you know what I'm saying anyway? Or is that the point, use words no one really understands and thus people do not get offended?

I have a friend who happens to be black and he had this to say on political correctness. "If I meet another black man, he is not African American, he is black. Why? Because the term African American refers to an American citizen who was born in Africa. Last I checked, I was born in American, and that makes me an American, period!" - Jim

See, political correctness, in many ways, is serving to push people further apart, not bringing them together. If you have a disability, you have it, whether I say you are handicapped or physically challenged, that truth doesn't change, and you know what I am saying no matter how I put it! If I rudely say that cripples should move out of the way, does it make it sound better if I say that physically challenged people should move out of the way, does the offense and rudeness of my comment become less to anyone who can understand what I am saying? The answer is no, it doesn't change a thing. Rude comments don't go away because you say them nicely. And comments that are benign or complimentary are still such whether I use a PC term or not. Its simply a matter of intelligent people using intelligent understanding and speech.

Political Correctness serves no real function other than to prevent ignorant people from getting upset because they heard a word. If a racist says black, is he any less a racist if he says African American? If I say cripple, does the man walk if I say physically challenged? If I say that a child is retarded (really so, not just an insult), does he suddenly gain full use of his brain if I call him mentally challenged? Or does it just make it sound better as so that someone else can get through their day easier? If the last answer is yes, and the first three are no, then what REAL purpose does it serve?

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Post Date: 30th Mar, 2006 - 4:49pm / Post ID: #

Politically Correct
A Friend

Politically Correct - Page 2

Political correctness is madness, who ever thought it up wants shooting.I call a spade a spade and I've never had anyone take offence at me being un pc.

12th Oct, 2006 - 10:25am / Post ID: #

Politically Correct Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

Farseer hit the nail on the head with her euphanism point. People used to be put in stocks and thru so many other forms of public punishment because shame was so effective and now what? It's a matter of pride to be a gang member, or a drug dealer because to bring shame on to someone became politically incorrect. We now have an "administration" that treats the citizens of the U.S. like it's politically incorrect to disagree with them. I've reached the point that I have to think that the only thing politically incorrect here are the politicians themselves. It's become correct for a civil servant that cannot perform their duty to just be transferred or ignored because of politics. These people say its bad to smoke because of the hazards, but they take the money from the tobacco industry and say nothing about the fact that it's all of the added chemicals in cigarettes that make them so harmful. Could you imagine what would happen to the person who tried to open a hamburger chain that added formaldehyde to it's meat? It would probably be politically incorrect if there was a class action lawsuit filed against the government over it's incorrectness. I doubt any attorney would be patriotic enough to take the case and you know that there isn't a judge who would rule against himself. Political correctness is turning this into a nation of sheep.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 22 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 2.2%

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