Citizen: Farseer - Page 6 of 9

Our summer sidewalk sale is generally a big - Page 6 - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 9th Jun, 2007 - 4:30am

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In Cozyville!
26th Mar, 2007 - 4:27am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer - Page 6

We spent a lovely afternoon in the back yard, planting our lovely seedlings. Rozzy and Lizzy and I somehow managed to get quite dirty, while dear Louis stayed immaculate in his summer linens wink.gif How I adore that man.

We'll have a terrific garden soon, and Louis suggested getting a few little chickens to help keep the pests under control - if you've ever watched "chicken football" you know what he's talking about! But how to get them to catch pests but stay off the tomatoes? Interesting topic we'll be mulling over for a bit before we decide to pick up the Cornish hens.

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6th Apr, 2007 - 12:55pm / Post ID: #

Farseer Citizen

Farseer Fashions has had quite a sale on Easter dresses and accessories - hats, gloves, and purses. I'm thinking about starting a small corner for shoes, just some specialty items, not a whole line. Of course, the girls will look quite adorable, and for myself? Very chic! We're looking forward to a family dinner and a peaceful day together.

17th Apr, 2007 - 3:35am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer Archive RPG Cozyville

Spring is my favorite season. I love the flowers blooming in all their multi-colored splendor, the mild temperatures, and the garden sprouting and climbing and blossoming. It always feels as if there is change coming...

26th Apr, 2007 - 4:03am / Post ID: #

Page 6 Farseer Citizen

Well, winter sure went out like a lion! We all thought it was over, and there came the next cold snap and storms... Just translates into lower sales figures for the past few weeks, but things should pick up soon. I hear that a heat wave is next! Good thing we have our summer bikinis in the window display at the shop.

6th May, 2007 - 4:48pm / Post ID: #

Farseer Citizen

Our new shoe department, though small, is actually quite the success! We chose only items that we were fairly sure weren't going to be widely available, yet were not too expensive. Nothing like having a unique pair of shoes! The prices are a little higher than I would like, but when the goods are well made and different, a lot of folks are willing to pay for that. And of course, I get the pick of the best wink.gif

Louis, dear man, has taken up golf. Now, I'm not against it, mind you, but I have to say I'm not all that familiar with the sport. And since Cozyville has no golf course, he's traveling to a nearby city to join in a "round" with some associates. Amazing that he seems so delighted with it! I'm happy to see him happy, and that he's joining friends in a common activity.

Rozzy and Lizzy are getting so grown up! My little flowers are blooming and becoming their own "selves" with very distinct personalities. Love those little darlings...

16th May, 2007 - 4:56am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Farseer

Just got the packet for enrolling little Rozzy in school! Can you believe it? It's amazing the little darling is already so grown up. How can I bear it? But what a racket this school thing is - all this paperwork and "required" this and "required" that... I'm not sure I like the idea of "handing over" my children to the government, with all these rules and regulations, it just seems such a burden. And, frankly, a little scary, too.

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30th May, 2007 - 6:26am / Post ID: #

Citizen Farseer - Page 6

:::a hammock sways gently between two shady trees amidst a green, trimmed lawn:::

:::a variety of colorful flowers border the dog-eared cedar fence line:::

:::a well-tended, lush summer garden rejoices in the early summer sunlight:::

:::children's laughter rides lightly on the cool breeze:::

9th Jun, 2007 - 4:30am / Post ID: #

Citizen Farseer Cozyville RPG Archive - Page 6

Our summer sidewalk sale is generally a big hit, and this year is no different! We had a great turnout and ... can you say "cha-ching"? ... we had higher sales this year than we've ever had! Little Rozzy came with me this year and helped hang up clothes that got dropped, re-stocked items left in the try-on rooms, and just generally lit up the place with her sweet little smile. We had a terrific time, and I'm so proud of our Rozzy for being so "grown up."

Dear Louis -- my resident handsome husband and loving father of our two girls -- has done well with his current job, and the "powers that be" have approached him about a promotion! It is so grand! Gosh, I love that guy. We are so blessed.

So blessed, in fact, that, after some lengthy discussions, we've decided to find a church to attend so that we can become actively engaged in sharing our blessings with others. We want to "pay it forward" so to speak, and give back to the community -- and to God -- to express our gratitude for what we've received. I've heard it called "shopping for Jesus," but really we know from whence the blessings come; we just need to find a church that shares our beliefs.

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