An extremely powerful earthquake rocked northern Indonesia Sunday, sparking massive tidal waves across the region -- the apparent cause of 160 deaths in Sri Lanka. More than a dozen people were reported killed elsewhere, officials and witnesses said.
Ref. 00483%2C00.html
The magnitude of this earthquake has now been increased to 8.9, and has killed perhaps 10 thousand in 5 countries. What a tragedy for those people!! Our prayers and good wishes go out to them.
The last quake of greater magnitude was a 9.2 in Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1964.
You can be pretty sure that other quakes will be triggered in various places around the globe within the next few weeks, including possible volcanic activity.
(who has clients traveling right now in India...)
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Terrible news! What a tragedy!. It is amazing to me how things like that can devasted your life in a second. My heart goes towards these people, I wish I can so something to help out. :-/
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Legions of rescuers spread across Asia today after an earthquake of epic power struck deep beneath the Indian Ocean, unleashing 20-foot tidal waves that ravaged coasts across thousands of miles, killed at least 13,340 people and left millions homeless.
CNN Reports figures: 25,000+
So many people many children...It makes one wonder: What was GOD purpose there? This time no one can put the blame in any men's hands! I belive that this is one of the greatest tragedy of our times. We should stop a moment out trivial business and think about those that died there (truly innocents)
I was speaking of this with my son last night when the death toll was set at over 23,000. It is now set at more than 30,000. I think, for those of us living in the Western Hemisphere, so far from where this occurred, the magnitude of this tragedy is really incomprehensible. It is truly a tragedy like none that has occurred in my lifetime and I really can't quite get a grasp on how large this is. I think to my mind 1,000 or 30,000 just both seem so terrible. However, if I were living in the area, I am sure 30,000 would be so much greater. I just don't know a way to really empathize with those involved. I remember the world trade center and how bad that was emotionally for me. That was what 2.000 maybe? This is more than 10 times as bad...
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
I feel so bad for all these people...and for all the things they have been through. On a nice side, did you all see the 20 month old sweedish boy who was found floating on a mattress?. Oh my gosh, tell me if that's not a miracle! His relatives in Europe saw his picture online and they contacted their relatives in Thailand, his father and grandfather are being treated in a hospital and the mother still missing. The baby boy was reunited with some of his relatives.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
A side note here. I found a page with lots of links of ways to help people affected by the tsunami.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%