Ready To Create Your Character
This specific Role-playing Game is now closed. Please select a current Science Fiction Role-playing Game via: Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games Board.Before you start, for this specific Role-playing Game (This does NOT count if you are playing MegaTraveller / Star Wars, etc.) you must have:
1. Joined our Community and posted your Introduction
2. Made 30 Constructive Posts (These must be from Boards outside of the Welcome, role-playing games and Member Wars Boards to ensure they are actual contributions to the Community and not merely your Character RP in another game)
3. Requested RPGer status within your Intro Thread
4. Have an activity rating of at least 75% or more
Use the information contained within the below link to begin creating your character:
Future Earth Character Creation.
New: Ensure that when you post your character you show BOTH the default and chosen skills.
Once approved the GM will inform you in a Reply here, you can then proceed to input the data about your character in your control panel.
RPG: Future Earth
Alias: Chronos
Role: Mercenary
Level: 0
Body: 16
Mind: 9
Soul: 5
Special Skills: Martial Art, Ship guns
Blade weapon (1)
Rifle (1)
Slug (40)
Boots (1)
Clothes (1)
Mesh (1)
First aid kit (1)
Advanced camp (1)
Rope (1)
Disguise kit (1)
electronic Binoculars (1)
Total - 3500
RPG: Future Earth
Alias: N"Toran
Role: Flyer
Level: 0
Body: 6
Soul: 10
Special Skills: Asteroid mining/slug throwers/Large craft
Back Pack
First aid kit
Flare gun
Grooming kit
Hand Computer
Electronic Binoculars
30 slugs
Balance: 187 credits
Sorry to take long to reply here. I think it is great that you want to start playing Future Earth, it's been a long time, so much so that I will need to look through the files again to see how to play. I will create your character where there are TWO other ACTIVE RPG players also creating their characters as well. You can either wait or request other players participate via their Intro / Rave Threads. Either way, no need to reply here.
KNtoran, your character has been created, I will be creating a new scenario soon, look for it. In the mean time you may want to get the others to also create their characters.
RPG: Future Earth
Alias: Weir
Role: Engineer
Level: 0
Body: 7
Soul: 10
Special Skills: Robotics/electronics/programmer
Default Skills:Engineer/Robotics/Mechanic-Wheeled or Mechanic-Small Craft
4000 credits to start
hand calculator 100
advanced camp 150
back pack 50
binoculars 100
rope 10
flare 100
grooming kit 100
titanian hammer 100
titianium spikes (10) 100
Boots 50
shades 50
cloths 150
mesh 1150
crossbow 50
sword 150
bolts(30) 30
Balance: 2440credits