Mormon Sacrifice

Mormon Sacrifice - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 25th Oct, 2004 - 12:46pm

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22nd Oct, 2004 - 7:05pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Sacrifice

Sometimes I think about the kind of sacrifice that the pioneers made to cross the plains and I wonder if I were there and then... Would I do that? What about when Joseph would ask for the Brethren's belongings for the Church or even their wife... Wow, that must be the ultimate test. Question is... If the Prophet came today and ask for your spouse for the Church - would you give them up?

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23rd Oct, 2004 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Sacrifice Mormon

I've asked myself if I would be willing to sacrifice my wife, my family, my church membership, or anything else in obedience to the Lord's command. I honestly don't know if I could.

23rd Oct, 2004 - 3:30am / Post ID: #

Mormon Sacrifice Studies Doctrine Mormon

This has been in my thoughts lately, as well. Would I have followed the Savior, as the disciples did? Would I have followed Joseph Smith, as the pioneers did? Would I be able to sacrifice my all -- including my own life -- for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

We make little sacrifices daily, but nothing at all like the serious sacrifices we may be required to make as the Last Days progress.

I'm not currently married, or even in a relationship, and so I can't really answer the spouse question at this time.


24th Oct, 2004 - 12:11am / Post ID: #

Sacrifice Mormon

Wow, two persons I don't think I could give is my husband and my son. I know I sound terribly selfish but I want to be as honest as possible. It took me a long time to understand the doctrine of Plural Marriage and I digested after much study and prayer, are you refering to Plural Marriage or some other thing?.

24th Oct, 2004 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

Sacrifice Mormon

I am thinking about a situation where you know that the Lord is commanding you to do something in particular. Perhaps it is plural marriage. Perhaps it is something else.

But your spouse disagrees with you. Your bishop considers you apostate for considering such a thing.

Would you be willing to give up your church membership, your spouse, your children, to obey something that you KNOW the Lord is explicitly commanding you to do?

Remember, this is exactly what Joseph Smith faced, many times in his life.

25th Oct, 2004 - 1:52am / Post ID: #

Mormon Sacrifice

Would you be willing to give up your church membership, your spouse, your children, to obey something that you KNOW the Lord is explicitly commanding you to do?

Oh boy, you really have the ability to make me think undecided.gif I don't know, I will be a hypocrite if I say yes, I think it would be a extremely difficuly decision to take, I hope not to be in a situation where I have to choose between the people I love the most and what the Lord is commanding me to do, I guess I will know then how strong and faithful I really are undecided.gif

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25th Oct, 2004 - 12:34pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Sacrifice

Okay, think about it slightly differently. What if your husband had a vision, similar to Lehi's, that was somewhat in opposition to the guidance of your local leaders, possibly even contrary to the general direction of the Church. Would you be willing to sacrifice your membership in the Church to be obedient to the clear direction received by the patriarch of your family?

Then consider a little deeper, and ask whether you would be willing to trust the Lord enough to follow His directions to yourself, even if this meant that you would go against everything you hold dear. In this case, I am assuming that your spouse and children are fully in support of your choice, either way.

I believe that the time will come, in the near future, when each of us may face these exact types of choices.

25th Oct, 2004 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Sacrifice Mormon Doctrine Studies

What if your husband had a vision, similar to Lehi's, that was somewhat in opposition to the guidance of your local leaders, possibly even contrary to the general direction of the Church. Would you be willing to sacrifice your membership in the Church to be obedient to the clear direction received by the patriarch of your family?

I trust my husband and I know he will not lie to me in things like this, so if he tells me that he had received a vision, I would believe him, now if what he received as a vision would stated that I should sacrifice my membership in the Church, I will pray and fast as long as is needed to receive confirmation for myself, not because I do not believe it from my husband's mouth but to receive a testimony for myself of these things.

whether you would be willing to trust the Lord enough to follow His directions to yourself, even if this meant that you would go against everything you hold dear. In this case, I am assuming that your spouse and children are fully in support of your choice, either way.

Once I receive revelation of these things, I will do whatever is necessary to accomplish what the Lord has commanding me to do, it doesn't matter what it is. To receive a personal testimony and revelation is vital in my decision to follow what the Lord has commanding me.

I believe that the time will come, in the near future, when each of us may face these exact types of choices

I hope is not so near, I am not ready for it...your questions made me think a lot because it makes me wonder really where I am standing and how strong or weak my Faith really is.

What about you?. I would love to read your answers to the same questions. smile.gif

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