Ashamed: Your Country's History? - Page 2 of 3

As an Australian, us white folk came in to - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 6th May, 2009 - 3:47am

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Post Date: 5th May, 2005 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

Ashamed: Your Country's History?
A Friend

Ashamed: Your Country's History? - Page 2

My country of origin..Pakistan has had a sad history of trearting it's own people very badly we have had brutal military operations several times against our own people..a very shameful episode

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Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2005 - 6:42pm / Post ID: #

Ashamed: Your Country's History?
A Friend

History Countrys Ashamed

Well, I have to speak for two countries, Russia and America. I was born in Moscow and I live in the State of New Jersey in America so that said I will mention embarassing points of history for both countries

Russia: Ivan the Terrible's reign. How could you impose such strict rules, create a brutul secret police and most of all, kill your son to assume power?
Stalin:Same problems as above with the addition of betrayel of an ideology to satisfy your ends.
The Cuban Missile Crises:Khruschev, were you in the right mind here? If you put nuclear missles in Cuba,you know America will react and neither America or the Soviet Union will get anywhere.
The end of Prague Spring: This was such a propoganda defeat and in general a waste of time. Why worry about Czechoslovakia, it's a small and rather insignificant country. If you really wanted to keep Czechoslovakia from passing reforms you could have poured propoganda into Czechoslovakia about how great communism is. Same thing in Afghanistan.

America: the War of 1812
Well, their's less drastic ways of banning impressionism. Also, it's generally a bad idea for a small country declaring war on a superpower.

Slavery is also quite embarassing. The men who said "all men are created equal", Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and as far as I am concerned could have done more to abolish it,starting from freeing his slaves. The Civil War could have been avoided if the northern states at the time of the American Revolution put economic sanctions on the south. That will force them to give up their slaves simply because they cannnot afford it.

Tammany Hall gets the award for the most corrupt poltical disscussion board. After all, that's how it got started.

And finally, the US/USSR wars in Africa. For chrissakes,leave them alone! They are poor as it is already, just won independence and are trying to make a decent living! Particulary shameful are the Angolan civil war involvement,the U.S. supporting the Portuguese in Mozambique, and the Banda dictatorship in Malawi.

Post Date: 7th Mar, 2006 - 4:56am / Post ID: #

Ashamed: Your Country's History?
A Friend

Ashamed: Your Country's History? History & Civil Business Politics

In my opinion:

I'm ashamed of we we did to the Native Americans. Lied, continually broke treaties, intentionally sent small pox infected blankets to tribes, the outright extermination of women and children, eradicating their food supply, forced religious conversion, and the list goes on and on.

The odd thing is without one of the greatest crimes in history the most benevolent country in world history would never have existed. Like Germany and Japan we have a dark past that we must appreciate, understand, and move forward.

7th Mar, 2006 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 History Countrys Ashamed

I totally respect Germany for the position they take regarding the WWII.
When a University student, I had some friends from Germany who came there to work in veteran hospitals and old people houses. Not willing to go to the army, they chose so called alternative military service and helping Russian WWII veterans was one of the activities that alternative service offered.

I really wish Russia would get more serious in its attitude to fascism, too.
What I really feel quite lousy about is that neo-Nazi movement we have here now. I mean, it is completely outrageous.
Can't say they are very active or being very well supported. They rather are not taken seriously. But this is exactly that lack of serious attitude to them that I think is dangerous. They might be silly teens, but their leaders are not.

As for the history of my country, there were dark moments there, but I wouldn't like to be a judge. It was different time, different culture, different goals.
In the eyes of the XXI century person, it might look totally horrible, but I lack the inner knowledge and the attitude people that lived there hhad.

I do feel uneasy about Prague spring and affairs in Hungary. Really, the USSR shouldn't have meddled.

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 2 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.2%

Post Date: 25th Dec, 2006 - 5:59am / Post ID: #

Ashamed: Your Country's History?
A Friend

History Countrys Ashamed

On the slavery issue, it was not nationally legal as there were free states and slave states. I'm from Boston originally and that state has always been slavery free. Furthermore, the US was the only country to fight a war to end slavery. If you want to blame any country on slavery blame Portugal, England, or Spain.

Things I'm ashamed the US has done
Invading Mexico by claiming we were provoked, while we did quite a bit of the provoking.

Bombing Dresden, in WWII the US literally burned Dresden to the ground for no real reason.

Concentration camps for Japanese Americans, those without citizenship I could understand...but we went to far on that one.

The Dachau Massacre, pulled "soldiers" out of a hospital, lined them up and shot them. That's a war crime no matter how you look at it. I'll start a topic with more information.

Getting involved in Vietnam, backing the French militarily...dumb idea

Staying in Vietnam even after the French threw in the towel.

Pulling out of Vietnam after years of commitment, fully knowing what would happen when we left. Communists start your purging!

Leaving Iraq after emploring various groups to rise up...leading to a massacre after US forces pulled out of Iraq.

Post Date: 6th Jun, 2008 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

Ashamed: Your Country's History?

Name: Panzer

Comments: I am horribly ashamed about what Germany did, and I am ashamed of some Americans who still hold it against them. 90,000,000 people is extremely high, but multiple countries took part, so the U.S.A. should also remember what it did (Dresden, Tokyo, HIROSHIMA). Technically, Serbia started all of this when, one day in Sarajevo, while an armed young man with tuberculosis got a sandwich after an assassination attempt, the single most unlucky thing in the history of mankind happened... I wish some citizens would realize the fact that WWII was 60 years ago, and that things are different now in Germany.

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Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2009 - 3:21pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Ashamed Country's History - Page 2

It's Time For The Madness To Stop
By Sheila Samples

Sometimes it's hard to come to grips with the truth -- especially if that truth is about our own country, and is in direct opposition to everything we've been taught since childhood. Patriotism is in our genes, and through the years it has been a national conviction that, if our country needed us, serving in the military to protect our freedom was not only the right thing to do, but the only thing to do. Ref. Source 6

6th May, 2009 - 3:47am / Post ID: #

Ashamed Country's History Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

As an Australian, us white folk came in to tell the Aborigines how to live...because they had no idea. I keep forgetting, sarcasm is audio not visual. Bloody generation X! I say sorry. Like Kevin Rudd, but actually meaning it! Oops, more sarcasm... :D

Start again. I am sorry....

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.7%

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