China: You Have No Rights - Abortion

China Rights Abortion - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 2nd Dec, 2005 - 10:47pm

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You can only have so many children, forced abortions, lack of freedom and man other forced rules and regulations stifle the people of China. How much longer will they take the iron hand over them?
China: You Have No Rights - Abortion Related Information to China: You Have No Rights - Abortion
Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2005 - 7:26pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

China: You Have No Rights - Abortion

China Will Lift Marriage, Pregnancy Ban for Students; Impacts Abortion

Beijing, China ( -- In another effort to roll back some of the human rights abuses associated with its one-child family planning policy, Chinese officials announced Friday that they are planning to lift the ban on college students marrying and getting pregnant. The rule has forced some students to have abortions in order to complete their education.

NOTE: This Thread has been merged with the one in the Culture Board called, "China: Two Children Please".

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22nd Jan, 2005 - 8:42pm / Post ID: #

Abortion Rights No You China

I think it's great that China is trying to reverse some of its past mistakes.

Though, I suppose they had good reasons to try and keep the population growth rate down. China is somewhat over populated, but still, the way they tried to fix this problem still was unusually cruel!

Post Date: 23rd Jan, 2005 - 12:58am / Post ID: #

China: You Have No Rights - Abortion
A Friend

China: You Have No Rights - Abortion Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I'm not sure that China really has a good solution to there over population problem. While its good that they are not forcing college kids into abortion, the problem that was addressing still remains. If you allow all the people of China to procreate freely, then the country will run out of space very very quickly. However, forced abortion is a cruel way to insure that the population growth is controlled. I hope in the future China's government can come up with a better alternative.

23rd Jan, 2005 - 10:57am / Post ID: #

Abortion Rights No You China

Yes, so do I, the problem though is, how are going to control the population growth without violating somebody's rights? I personally can't think of anything except colonization or an expansion policy...

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2005 - 7:31pm / Post ID: #

China: You Have No Rights - Abortion
A Friend

Abortion Rights No You China

To many in China, abortion is just another method of birth control. Sex education is lacking, contraceptives are sub-standard (and rarely used), and for most urban dwellers, and abortions are routine and relatively cheap.

The Chinese population presents a problem that the West has never had to tackle. Its easy to criticize their methods, but I have yet to hear anyone offer an alternative solution, ever. undecided.gif

Better education and more effective Chinese condoms would be a start, but it would not be enough.

31st Mar, 2005 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

China: You Have No Rights - Abortion

While I abhor the very concept of abortion, what I REALLY detest about the situation in China is the abortions forced up on women by the government.

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Post Date: 28th Nov, 2005 - 6:50pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

China You No Rights Abortion

The Right to Know

For eight days, Nov. 13 to 21, millions of Chinese in and around the northern city of Harbin drank and bathed in the water flowing through their faucets. Their first inkling something was terribly wrong came when local officials announced water would be shut off for "maintenance." Only on days nine and 10 did they get the official admission: that an explosion at a factory had spewed toxic chemicals into Songhua River.

2nd Dec, 2005 - 10:47pm / Post ID: #

China You No Rights Abortion Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Did anyone doubt this or is the world only now going to act as shocked by this report? Will anything be done about it - I seriously doubt it.


China continues to practice torture, although it has become less prevalent in large cities, according to a UN investigator who managed to enter several prisons.

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