Since reading about twins in the 'Same Sex Marriage' thread and learning that Smudge is a twin, I have been wondering if twins can feel each other's feelings, think the same thoughts, or even act the same way, whether they may be young and possibly live together or if they are older and live a good distance away from each other. I have researched for about an hour and, though I have found varying opinions, I have not been able to find conclusive data through research and studies, that proves or disproves these theories. I thought for sure that there has been studies done on this subject. I am interested in any personal experiences and/or opinions from yourself or anyone you know, and especially any scientific data you may know of.
I had a couple of friends at school who were twins. They were completly different from each other but if one of them were sad, the other one would be sad too. I personally do not think is related to whether they are twins or not, maybe because they have been raised to be together they may develop strong bonds. Just my two cents.
Well, I am not an Identical twin, but just a regular twin. In fact, my sister and I are very different from each other. My skin tone is darker, my features really different from her. I cannot feel her pain from far away, but I can interpret her behavior and expressions to feelings. That, though, is more because we shared most of our lifes together and I've seen the same expressions many many times before.
With identical twins, it may be different, but unless they hang out with the same friends, go to the same courses, and be always next to each other, each will develop his own personality, and they will gradually grow apart in their identity.
My father was the older of a set of identical twins. They lived in different countries for over forty years but if my uncle was sick my father would know about it. My father actually told me that something was wrong with his brother about three hours before my cousins called to say my uncle had passed on.
I am an identical twin but have a different personality and interests to my brother. I would say there is some truth to feeling my brother's pain, but not from far away.
And identical twins aren't dolphins, they can't read each other's minds. I think it is just that when you grow up with someone you are very close to them so you feel more for them when you know they are going through pain.
I would probably feel more for my twin brother's pain then my younger brother.
My mother was a twin, but my aunt passed away in a car accident when I was five. She always talked about how she just knew when something was wrong with her. She didn't know what was wrong, but she could always tell when something wasn't as it should be. My mom and my aunt got together the day before the car accident, and my mom said that she just somehow knew that when they separated it was going to be the last time she ever saw her.
I believe that when you live with someone long enough you generally start to "know" things whether they are around or not. I have heard too many stories like those above to dismiss the concept lightly, but then again, I have also heard the same stories in regards to mothers and daughters, very close friends and the like. In essence, I think there is something unexplainable going on, but I don't think it's exclusively a twin thing.
I think it is possible for Identicle twins to feel each other's pain. I also believe it is also possible for "Mother's intuition" to exist (where a mother can feel something bad is happening to their child right now, etc). I wouldn't say it is a supernatural phenomena either. For example, we know through Quantum physics and Quantum Entanglement that certain matter can be connected over great distances with no observable connection we can really explain. This easily leaves room for twins to be able to be connected to each other to SOME degree, or Mothers to be connected to their children somehow.
There's also a chance that such things are based off the subconcious mind with advanced pattern recognition. I would explain all of this myself, but it may be too long of an explanation. Personally, I would recommend reading Scott Adam's description of it in his fiction book "God's Debris". You can download a free copy herein pdf format and then just read the chapters titled "ESP AND LUCK" & "ESP AND PATTERN RECOGNITION" which go from page 75-83 in the book, but in the PDF format they're pgs 87-95. Who knows, maybe he is right to some degree, even if SOME of the science isn't entirely correct.
Personally, I believe there is plenty of room to have it be true, even scientifically. And it may simply be in SOME twins, but not others. Or maybe just those who are more sensitive to it, or closest to each other, or maybe you can even create such a connection/entaglement naturally with someone else you really care about. Is it entanglement, or subconcious pattern recognition that can sometimes be wrong, is it "the spirit of God" telling us, or is it all just BS? Perhaps we'll never know forsure...
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