As A Teen...

As Teen - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th Jun, 2005 - 7:58pm

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Do you believe in God?
Post Date: 24th Feb, 2005 - 1:48pm / Post ID: #

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As A Teen...

Specifically for Teenagers...


The majority of American teens believe in God and worship in conventional congregations, but their religious knowledge is remarkably shallow and they have a tough time expressing the difference that faith makes in their lives, a new survey says.

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26th Feb, 2005 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

Teen As

I myself do not believe in god. I do believe in the power of faith; faith that something will bring your success and a good ending, but for me that something isn't god. I agree, though, that many of the children in my school who are believers have no basis for their belief other than the fact that their parents told them that there is god and they should believe. Many of them haven't even read the bible, and don't recognize names of people and stories from the bible, but still claim to be religious. If I ever do become religious, it will not come from my parents or peers, but from myself.

Post Date: 21st Mar, 2005 - 9:05am / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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As A Teen... Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Religious, really religious I am not.
The thing is that I cannot prove God exist nor that he doesn't exist.
So I prefer to belief he exists as backup plan. Well the community is the one that make you think God exist or that he doesn't. If none believed in God do you think you would believe in him. When everione says that he wouldn't. Then they would pressure and pressure you until you start doubting.

In every single religion, what is most needed is faith, if you do not have faith in god, you aren't religious. At least that is the way I see things undecided.gif

Post Date: 21st Mar, 2005 - 6:40pm / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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Teen As

Nope, I don't believe in god. I think "god" is just a creation of the earlier man, who had no way of explaining certain things that were unexplainable. In my opinion, if you prefer for me to believe there is this "being" in some outside realm,that created everything, instead of learning how we got here through science, I, would call that preposterous.

Post Date: 30th Mar, 2005 - 5:22am / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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Teen As

I personally do not believe is God. I do not believe that the World was created by some man that has always 'Just Been'. I don't see how someone could possibly be so powerful as to somehow just always be here, create the World and Universe alike. It seems more like a great mind trying to live through Fantasy of mind, which I feel people are falling for. I believe that once you die your 'soul' goes no where, just dies off.

I also cannot see how a 'God' or all good can possibly even want to create the human race if he knew they would just deceive him. How could he knowingly great people to and give them sin. So along the way if you don't choose the ONE religion that is correct, once you die you go to either heaven or hell. Hm... How do you know you have chosen the correct religion? Maybe Buddha is the correct religion, but who's to know?

Post Date: 11th May, 2005 - 1:27pm / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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As A Teen...

I do believe there is someone "up there" but whether or not it really is "god" its up to the individual person to decide. In my opinion "god" is every individual, striving in out community, our country, our world. He/she isnt just one person, he/she is us all.

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Post Date: 31st May, 2005 - 6:07pm / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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As Teen...

I don't believe in a "god". However, I don't try to tell someone there religion is wrong or anything simply because I think they're believing in something that doesn't exist. Faith is important, faith in anything is important as I feel you should have faith in at least one thing.

While I don't believe in a "god" I also don't think you just cease to exist when you die. The main reason I believe that is because I just can't imagine not existing at all in any way shape or form.

Post Date: 15th Jun, 2005 - 7:58pm / Post ID: #

As A Teen...
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As Teen... Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I do not believe in a god, instead I believe in evolution. As such, I cannot accept the Christian teachings about god, though I do understand them and how it would make sense. Faith, that is what I have. Faith in myself, the future, others.

I believe in past lives, that there is a spirit that passess from one body to the next. Human or otherwise. Being the skeptic I am there are some aspects that are blurry. People claiming to be dragons, otherkin, wolves, etc. In past lives or present. I am willing to accept the idea that a few souls have transversed time and space to arrive at Earth and come into the spirit circulation. Feel free to contradict me, for I think I have contradicted myself in the long run. laugh.gif Being a teen, I am overall very accepting of others beliefs. I just don't see eye to eye all the time.

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