What Is The War On Terror? - Page 3 of 8

We just began to take interest because of - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 17th Mar, 2005 - 3:49pm

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War on terrorism The term is used losely for many reasons. Depending on where you live it can mean different things to various people and countries. What do you think the war on terror means?
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13th Mar, 2005 - 3:05pm / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror? - Page 3

Well, it seems that some of the more "enlightened" countries in the world are beginning to recognize that there really IS a "War on Terror", as they begin to (finally) really participtate.

Dutch Government Passes New Terror Bill
Hmm, sounds suspiciously like the much maligned USA PATRIOT ACT - NH

It seems that the Dutch government has realized that there are terrorists working within the bounds of their own socialist utopia. How can that be?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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Post Date: 14th Mar, 2005 - 11:44am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Terror War The What


Senior Bush administration officials have warned in recent weeks that al-Qaida is regrouping for another massive attack, its agents bent on acquiring nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in a nightmare scenario that could dwarf the horror of Sept. 11.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...18408%2C00.html

15th Mar, 2005 - 1:25pm / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror? History & Civil Business Politics

Night Hawk, I can't seriously believe you made this earlier statement.

Personally, I think it would be better to call it a "War on Islamism." The Islamists (or Islamofascists, or Muslim Terrorists, or whatever you want to call them) have been waging war on all of Western Civilization for a long time. So far, this has been the only response that has made a difference. And the fact that the "insurgents" in Iraq have resorted to kidnapping Italian people for ransom should be a great signal that the "War on Terror" is working to deprive these terrorists of working capital.

Everyone has a right to believe in whatever religion they choose. I think it is quite racist/prejudice to wage a war against people because of their faith. Did you know that many terrorist groups from other parts of the world don't believe in the Islamic faith. I respect your right to believe in Christianity and I think you should respect other people's right. Islam is actually a very peaceful religion and the majority of muslims are very peaceful people. I'm not muslim by the way.

You say that Islamists have been waging war on western civilization for a long time. Where is the proof of this? Do you think the US is the only "Western" civilization? Furthermore you have failed to mention that the US, often through the CIA, has sponsored or provided some level of support to many Middle East-based terrorist groups including the Taliban and Mujahadeen to name a couple. I find it slightly strange that a country who has routinely sponsored terrorism throughout the world, and I can provide many examples upon request, would complain that they have been the victims of a terrorism for years.

You said there have been multiple attacks against a number of countries including Australia and Spain. Well you got the Spain part right. But I can categorically inform you that Australia has NEVER sufferred a terrorist attack. Australians have been killed from attacks overseas, like in Bali and New York, but the only country that has come close to terrorising us was Japan in WWII.

Your mention of Italians being captured for ransom is also a bit puzzling. An Italian journalist was captured for ransom but subsequently released without harm when her captures learnt she didn't support the Iraq invasion. Did you know the Italian spy who secured this journalist from her captures was shot dead by US soldiers while driving her to safety. Who are the real terrorists here?

The ICC is designed in such a way as to allow countries such as Libya, Syria, Vietnam, North Korea, and the Sudan to bring charges against anyone they wish. These countries all have extensive histories of charging the US, Israel, Britain, and Australia with all sorts of war crimes. The ICC is worse than the UN and the Kyoto treaty for being designed specifically to harass the US and other Western countries.

This statement is not true. Find me the evidence that the ICC has been set up to help Syria, Vietnam, North Korea and Sudan bring charges against the rest of the world? Furthermore I would like to see evidence of a history of these countries charging the US, Israel, Britain and Australia? I know Australia has never been accused of a war crime at the ICC. You will also have to explain to me how the ICC is designed to harass the US and other Western countries, especially seeing as the ICC was championed by a number of western countries, mostly from the EU. The US is the only major western country to not sign up to the ICC. I think you will find it is because the US Administration fears potential war crime charges in a jurisdiction they can't control. Why else wouldn't you sign up unless you had something to fear?

I'm a little confused by some of the simplicity of this whole "War on Terror" debate, and I don't mean any offence by saying this. It seems to me that a lot of ideology is that the US are the good guys and the terrorists are the badies (axis of evil!) without any need to explain those positions. Remember one person's terrorist is another person's martyr. I've read many reports where sentiment in some parts of the Middle East is that the US and Israel are the terrorists. I honestly think the US fuels terrorism through its own actions, look at the history of the US intervening in countries where terrorist groups have flourished. One thing that was never asked after September 11 was "why have they chosen to target us?" Terrorist groups always have an agenda when killing poeple. They are targeting the US for a reason, whether it's is a good one or not is another story. I think over history US foreign policy in many parts of the world has greatly inflammed terrorism. Now this doesn't justify the terrorists' response because they are evil tyrants. But maybe a change in foreign policy and solving the Israel/Palestine conflict would do more to win the fight on terrorism than any amount of cluster bombs or US WMDs. That is just my opinion.

International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 ActivistPoliticianNegotiator 45.3%

15th Mar, 2005 - 3:45pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Terror War The What

Everyone has a right to believe in whatever religion they choose. I think it is quite racist/prejudice to wage a war against people because of their faith. Did you know that many terrorist groups from other parts of the world don't believe in the Islamic faith.

You have said that you are a journalist. As such, I am sure that you have previously heard or read the word "Islamist". It is NOT addressed people who embrace Islam, nor to the normal, mainstream Muslims. It refers to those people who embrace the concept of establishing Islam as the universal religion and the political system based upon the radical interpretation of Islam. Some examples of Islamists include the Taliban, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, the Iranian mullahs, and the Wahhabbi sect in Saudi Arabia, which is the major exporter of this philosophy throughout the world.

Again, it has nothing to do with Islam in general. It has to do with the political philosophy of those who use Islam to justify their oppressive, fascist form of government based on a 6th Century model of society. It has even less to do with race than it does religion, as Islamists come from all races.

You say that Islamists have been waging war on western civilization for a long time. Where is the proof of this?

The oppression of Lebanon, where Christianity and Judaism have been severely restricted. The Taliban. The intentional invasion of Europe over the last 2 or 3 decades, wherein now whole cities have been ceded to the Islamists in Sweden. The Bali bombing (aimed primarily at Australians). Beirut. The Sudan. The oppression of Copts in Egypt.

How many instances do you need? Islamists murder Christians around the world, on a daily basis. They issue fatwas against all thing Western. It isn't just the US, it is ALL of the West, including socialism, humanism, liberalism, rationalism, etc. It is against pro-American as well as anti-American thought. Islamism is at war against all those who support abortion, feminism, democracy, religious liberty, etc. Remember the fatwa against Saloman Rushdie? It was issued because the guy wrote a novel!

But I can categorically inform you that Australia has NEVER sufferred a terrorist attack.

Bali. And that was BEFORE any involvement in Iraq. Also, Islamist forces are hard at work within the Australian society and government trying to severely restrict your religious liberty and freedom of speech. I don't know whether or not you support their efforts to restrict the rights of Christians to express opinions about Islam, but those same restrictions will turn around and bite any others who express concerns about Islam, whether they are made by Christians, agnostics, atheists, socialists, whatever. So far, Australia has avoided direct terrorist attacks on their soil. You should feel lucky, not smug, about that.

Your mention of Italians being captured for ransom is also a bit puzzling. An Italian journalist was captured for ransom but subsequently released without harm when her captures learnt she didn't support the Iraq invasion. Did you know the Italian spy who secured this journalist from her captures was shot dead by US soldiers while driving her to safety. Who are the real terrorists here?

Again, you claim that you are a journalist, but you appear to have ignored all the news over the last week or so.

Italy is reported to have paid at least $6,000,000 for the release of the journalist. This is after having paid in excess of $1,000,000 for the release of some workers last year. The Italian government, this week, said that they would no longer pay these ransoms!

The reporters reports of what happened have changed back and forth several times this week. It is looking more and more like the US reports that the car appeared to them to be acting like a suicide bomber is most likely the correct report.

When US forces, who have been repeatedly attacked by suicide bombers, see a car racing towards them, and it fails to slow down when ordered to do so, they MUST react with deadly force. The news out of Italy now shows that not even the ranking Italian forces in Iraq knew any details about when, where, or how, the reporter was to be released! How would the US soldiers at the checkpoint know who was racing the car towards them?

So, who IS the terrorist in that situation?

Remember one person's terrorist is another person's martyr. I've read many reports where sentiment in some parts of the Middle East is that the US and Israel are the terrorists.

I have read many of the same reports and sentiments. To me, the definition of terrorism is quite simple. Anytime people seek to spread terror through the use of military measures primarily aimed at the civilian segments of society, it is terror. While there have been civilian casualties in Iraq, they haven't been the primary targets. And, most of them have now come from the actions of the terrorist (insurgents) on the ground. Israel normally targets only those that they can identify as armed terrorists. They go to great lengths to protect civilians whenever possible. Islamists target shopping malls, business centers, office buildings, discos, and individual civilians.

A guy who walks into a Sbarro's pizza shop filled with teenagers, wearing an explosive vest filled with nails is NOT a martyr, except to Islamists. He is scum. He is a terrorist. And the whole purpose of the "War on Terror" is to kill him and his ilk before they can do harm to any more children. It is to deny him and his organizations (Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc) the funds to purchase the explosive materials. It is to establish the rule of law in those lands that have only experienced tyranny, so that the people of those lands will search out and stamp out the cancer of terrorism that has previously been encouraged in their lands.

I hope this makes very clear where I am coming from. It isn't that I believe all that the US government does is great, because it isn't. But the only problem that I have with the War on Terror is that it is too low-key.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

15th Mar, 2005 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Terror War The What

When US forces, who have been repeatedly attacked by suicide bombers, see a car racing towards them, and it fails to slow down when ordered to do so, they MUST react with deadly force. The news out of Italy now shows that not even the ranking Italian forces in Iraq knew any details about when, where, or how, the reporter was to be released! How would the US soldiers at the checkpoint know who was racing the car towards them?

You need to clarify that this is the US version of the events, not the same one that the victim (the Italian journalist) shared. This is not for sure what happened, because if that's true, then there is no need for a join US-Italian investigation. The checkpoint is another US version so let's not give all these details as facts because they are not.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

16th Mar, 2005 - 1:04pm / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror?

The Italian government, this week, said that they would no longer pay these ransoms!

Hmmmm is it maybe because the Italian Prime Minister announced that Italy will pull out their troops from Iraq from September?.


International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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17th Mar, 2005 - 3:05am / Post ID: #

What The War Terror - Page 3

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 15-Mar 05, 12:04 PM)
You need to clarify that this is the US version of the events, not the same one that the victim (the Italian journalist) shared.

As I noted before, the Italian journalist has now given several different versions of her own story, with conflicting details. And the physical evidence does NOT support her story. She stated that the Americans sent a "hail" of bullets at her car. Yet the photos show only a couple of hits.

You are right, I am sure that there will be more details coming in the near future. However, I am much more likely to accept the stories of young soldiers than the conflicting stories of this woman. Just because she is a journalist does not implicitly make her story true.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

17th Mar, 2005 - 3:49pm / Post ID: #

What The War Terror Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

We just began to take interest because of 9/11? We have been fighting terrorism for years, and all over the globe. We have united ourselves with nearly every country in the world that asks for help. Although I did not care for the recent war, I would not say that America just now took concern against injustices and human rights violations.

I just returned from Central Asia, and I see signs of our help that started as early as some of their independence first began - not for oil or any resources, because believe me there are countries over there that are simply just poor with no resources available - yet we are partners with them on the fight on terrorism and helping them secure their countries.

We rushed to Spain when they had their train attacks - to help. We rushed to Southeast Asia after the Tsunami, to help.

I get it that America will always be a country that is targeted with constant accusations, and that's cool, so long as those who need our help know that we are here - as one of the most generous countries ever.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 14 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.4%

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