What Is The War On Terror? - Page 8 of 8

There can be no resolution to the "War - Page 8 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 17th Nov, 2017 - 6:13am

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War on terrorism The term is used losely for many reasons. Depending on where you live it can mean different things to various people and countries. What do you think the war on terror means?
What Is The War On Terror? Related Information to What Is The War On Terror?
Post Date: 7th Feb, 2017 - 1:04pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

What Is The War On Terror? - Page 8

White House says media failed in its coverage of these 78 terror attacks

The White House released the list to support assertions by President Trump. Ref. Source 6z.

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Post Date: 7th Feb, 2017 - 3:28pm / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror?
A Friend

Terror War The What

First I'd like to reply to the point of this thread, what is the war on terror? In short, nothing. Terror is a tactic that humanity has used for millennia to fight wars. Declaring war on terror is like declaring war frontal assaults, another tactic used by the military. That was part of the problem when President Bush reacted to 911. Declaring war on terror is far too far reaching and amorphous a thing. We needed to declare war on an entity that could be defeated rather than a tactic that has been used since the first caveman got a big club, beat the heck out of his neighbor, and then demanded all his other neighbors feed him. In today's world, terror is a tactic that weaker nations or organizations use when they don't have the conventional forces to fight a power. We certainly employed terror during the lead up to our own Revolution (You won't find this in our history books boys and girls) and so did Israel to get England to grant them freedom.

Now to this article, this is President Trump at his best. He is firing up his base by shifting scrutiny to an institution that gives his ammunition to do so. There really is little substance to these accusations. They were fairly small incidents that weren't covered because we've grown used to this. Had this been 20 years ago they would have been all over the news. But after the large and horrific attacks in France, Germany, Turkey, here in the US, and other places the press largely overlooks a one or two person assault..and this is a sin and a sign of our times. If the press would stop sensationalizing every thing President Trump and acting like it's the end of the world or equivalent to Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany and simply report the news they'd get their credibility back. Then, they could start holding this man accountable when he needs to be and people might actually listen… even those who support him.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2017 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror? History & Civil Business Politics

Want to Stop Terrorism? Get out of the Middle East By Dr Geoff Davies. Why are these young terrorists so angry? Is it really so hard to figure out? Source 9x.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2017 - 2:12am / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror?
A Friend

Page 8 Terror War The What

Wow, could he be any more simplistic. [By The Way], before we were 'meddling' in the Middle East they were meddling in Europe. We've been messing with each other for thousands of years. It's human nature. And [By The Way], if we left them alone they'd figure out a different reason to mess with us. It's human nature… did I say that already? ;).

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2017 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

Terror War The What

Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror' By John Pilger. Pilger explains that US actions have nothing to do with fighting terrorism but are instead part of an opened-ended war for global dominance. Source 5b.

Post Date: 17th Nov, 2017 - 4:00am / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror?

War on ISIS - Whose Side Are We Really On? By Ron Paul & Daniel McAdams. The US was part of a secret deal to allow thousands of ISIS fighters to escape from Raqqa. Source 9x.

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Post Date: 17th Nov, 2017 - 6:13am / Post ID: #

What Is The War On Terror?
A Friend

What The War Terror - Page 8

There can be no resolution to the "War on tarror' until the root ideologies are addressed. When a culture teaches that it is better for their children to die killing the enemy than live in peace, you have a ready-made army eager to commit suicide for a fantasy.Until these teachings are removed from the Middle East, there will always be war with them.

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