Police Officer Ranks
As an RPGer in this game you are allowed to go up in rank based on your ability to solve cases. You can only move up by solving the case 100% and not just part of a case. All first time players start at the level of 'Trainee'.
*Police Officer
*Police Detective
*Police Sergeant
*Police Lieutenant
*Police Captain
*Police Commander
*Police Deputy Chief
*Chief of Police
What benefits do I get?
Every player's goal should be to become the 'Chief of Police' hence the Role-playing Game is called, 'Police Chief Role-playing Game '. When a player becomes Police Chief then he / she must fight to keep it as their can be only ONE Police Chief at any one time. Players that are Police Chiefs get:
* The badge shown in their posts
* A salary of 100 FP per game so long as they remain Police Chief
Can I be demoted?
You can be demoted if you fail to solve a case. Players that are demoted have the following happen to them:
* Lost of one rank
* Their charisma is adjusted by -2