Case 01: Abandoned Car
Victim / Case Type:
Murder - Vicki Williams
On a lonely road in the middle of a desert area of the local County is a Ford Sedan Family car with doors open, hood up and a woman lying on the road. A driver passing by calls Emergency Services at 10am - she would not give her name, and the call could not be traced, but the location of the vehicle was given for Police to respond.
For the results of a forensic investigation:
Cost: 2 FP Source 1l
The Scene
At the scene you find the light grey car - a family sedan in fairly good condition and the woman in her early to late 30s on the ground face up, arms spread and blood coming from her head. It seems to be an act of murder. No murder weapon is found.
Probable Cause
Although it looks like a robbery nothing is stolen and the woman's purse, money, jewelry and car accessories are all intact.
The woman is married, but her relationship with the husband, John (Age 40, 6ft, 220lbs, Business Supervisor), seems strained. She has two children ages four and two. At their home is a nanny taking care of the kids. As word gets out the mother (Mary Smith), father (Jerry Smith) and two sisters (Velma, 28 and Nicole, 20) of the victim show up to help with investigations. The in-laws of the husband are notified, but they are currently on vacation to Europe.
Deeper Profiles:
Cost: 10 FP Source 1j
Notes Gathered
* The car was facing the direction of open desert and only if she kept driving for 100 miles or so would she have met any kind of civilization.
* No one knows why she would be all the way out there.
* She usually just goes out and shop, pick up the groceries and returns home by lunch time.
Observations while at the home:
Cost: 50 FP Source 6q
A hunch/ interrogation:
Cost: 500 FP Source 2c
What is required from you
1. Say who murdered the victim and why - you must be very accurate.
2. Why the car was in the middle of the desert - you can be close to a reason as possible.
Close date for this case:
You must submit your findings BEFORE this date:
15 April, 2005
Time Draws Near
As your investigation continues the Press is demanding an answer for what happened along with the usual 'Who Did It?' The current police chief is on your back to solve this case. You have nine days left.
I think the husband did it. The car was in the desert because when Velma came by in the morning she told the victim that she had discovered who he was having an affair with and that he was meeting that person this very morning in the desert. In fact, Velma and the husband are the ones having the affair. The husband was waiting for the victim to arrive in the desert so he could kill her and then he left her there. Velma placed the call to the police after the husband was safely away from the crime scene.
1. Say who murdered the victim and why - you must be very accurate. |
2. Why the car was in the middle of the desert - you can be close to a reason as possible. |
Who murdered the victim: The Husband.
Why: He discovered the victim was having an affair.
Why the car was out in the middle of the desert: The victim regularly met her lover in odd places, and the husband followed her there.
Case Closed!
The Police Chief calls all the detectives into his office after reading their reports, this is what happened...
Murder and Why:
Velma, the sister of the victim. Unknown to Vicki, Velma was having an outside relationship with her husband. She did not want to 'share' and decided to get rid her sister. Jealousy was the main motive.
How It Happened:
Velma called her sister to meet in the morning to go shopping. Vicki, obliged and dropped by the house to pick her up. During this period it seems that Velma started a fight with Vicki somewhere between the mall and Velma's home. The verbal fight raged until they neared a semi-desolate area where Velma used the excuse of feeling sick and they stopped. Velma worked her way to the trunk possibly by asking for rags or other items and then acquired a tool that the husband always keeps in the car. Velma hit Vicki in the head. She then drove to the desert and orchestrated the rest. Velma then started walking along the lonely road and after awhile convinced a passer by to give her a ride back to town - the passer by was a woman (possibly the same one that later passed the vehicle and saw the body, but haven given a ride to the possible murderer she did not want to give any details save but to call the police), later this confirmed through a call.
Who Solved It:
Everyone came close, but not enough - no one is promoted. Since this is the first game there will be no Charisma deducted from any players at this time.