Jennifer Aniston
News Story:
Mar 25, 9:31 PM (ET) LOS ANGELES (AP) - Jennifer Aniston filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on Friday, court papers showed. The petition filed in Superior Court seeks dissolution of the actors' marriage based on irreconcilable differences. A long-rumored split between the "Friends" star and the "Ocean's Twelve" star was confirmed in January when they released a joint statement saying they were formally separating. The couple married on July 29, 2000, and have no children. It was the first marriage for both. [...] In her divorce petition, Aniston asked that her maiden name be restored. The actress took Pitt's name legally when they married but continued to use Aniston professionally. Pitt, 41, and Aniston, 36, began dating in 1998 after being set up on a blind date. [...] |
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I was watching Fox News this morning and they were showing some pictures from Pitt's last movie. Apparently the rumor is that he and Angelina Jolie, his co-star in that movie, were very intimate on set and had a certain chemistry, which leads most to believe that is why he and Jennifer Aniston are now getting divorced. In any case, we shouldn't be shocked by any of this as we all know how strong most celebrity marriages are.
Well Brad finally talks about the break up and his 'weird' view that marriage does not necessarily have to last forever. below is just the last part of the report:
Pitt certainly looked fatherly in recent paparazzi photos of an African beach vacation with Smith costar Angelina Jolie and her son Maddox. Pitt and Jolie have been denying for months that they've been having an affair that broke up Pitt's marriage, though they haven't responded to the publication of the photos. Talking to GQ well before his trip to Africa, Pitt reportedly did not confirm or deny the rumored affair, but he did call the reports by tabloid gossips ''nasty'' and said, ''Some things they said make me want to punch their lights out.'' Apparently, he's forgotten that the first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club.
Ref. https://channels.netscape.com/ns/celebrity/...oc=ce-main-4-l3
Jennifer Aniston plans to adopt a baby. The 37-year-old actress - who is divorced from husband Brad Pitt and recently broke up from boyfriend Vince Vaughn - wants to have a son, and is prepared to open her home to a disadvantaged youngster.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/hlc/1,,93498~3921027a1860~,00.html
Is she following in the footsteps of her 'X' or is she looking for something to fill the void. Interestingly enough, wasn't this one of the given reasons for Brad and her breaking up: she did not want children? I wonder if she cannot, I mean physically?
As far as her acting goes, it is okay, she is not brilliant and her looks are over rated in my opinion. She has nice eyes and hair, but that is about it, I really do not see what all they hype is about, probably it was because she was with Brad Pitt and that gave her the edge above other actresses / women?
Well, she is 37 years old and single. She just broke up a relationship and she feels (like any other woman at some point of their lives) that she wants to have a child and probably because she is not in a relationship and not getting any younger, she decided to adopt.
Or maybe she is still in this mode of I do not want to get pregnant because it will affect my career. It is not like dates will be hard to get for this lady, so I cannot say that is a reason, hence my wondering if she physically cannot. The next thing to wonder is if she is going to try for a US adoption or abroad.