Israel Politics
There is always talk about 'How much people dislike the Israel', but there is equal amounts of talk concerning their interest in preserving the Jews and their heritage. However, from a political, strategic and monetary point of view whom would you say is the:
Worst Enemy of the Israel?
Also add why - please make this more than simply opinion.
Best Friend of the Israel
As above, please make this more than opinion.
Isreals greatest ally is the United States, because there isn't many nations that will stand up for them in the open world forum like the US. We always back Israel and look out for their interests in the middle east.
There greatest threat or foe is the Palestinians. Whether wrong or right, their own internal struggles with Palestinian terror acts and fighting between the two imposes the greatest threat to their national interests.
Ehud Olmert
Does he have what it takes to lead Israel?
Hi I'm Marve the new guy and I am myself from israel and I got to tell you GREAT TOPIC now to the matter at hand
I believe that the worst enemy of israel in the short-term(and probably the long one too) is Iran because they have nuclear power and soon nuclear weapons too also there leader isn't afraid of showing his hatred to Israel further more if in the end Iran will get nuclear powered then they won't be afraid to use it to wipe out israel.
the greatest ally of Israel must be the USA because we share a common goal and it is to fight terrorism also they helped us in dire times in the past.
Along with the above Israel is not doing too well in the world front right now, check this report:
CLARK CRITICISES ISRAELI ENVOY AFTER 'YELLOW' COMMENTS Racially offensive comments about Asian people by the Israeli Ambassador to New Zealand have placed fresh strain on diplomatic relations with Israel. Ref.,,93498~3830676a10~,00.html |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3236 100%
These comments are outright racist. They can not possibly be defended, this diplomat must be sacked and hung to dry.
My view of Israel is they are pretty much a US state, so obviously they are the greatest friend/ally, or however you would describe it.
On the surface, Palestine is Israel's greatest "enemy" due to the history of their relationship, but deep down I believe their alignment with the US is their biggest threat. The ridiculously blind support is a major thorn in the Middle East. I say this because it has created a situation where Israel can act with impunity in just about everything it does. This has led to an arrogant nation that has little regard for its neighbours, hence the above comments about Asians being yellow. When any country is unconditionally backed by the world superpower to this extent, they will never try to integrate with their surrounding environment.
Edited: arvhic on 16th Oct, 2006 - 9:04pm
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
I think that while the U.S. is Israel's greatest ally, it is a relationship that is helping to cause much of the strain in the Middle East. The supply of advanced weapons to a country that is all but practicing genocide in the name of self defense is in it's self an atrocity. The U.S. policy makers are practicing racism in the name of diplomacy and has no problem criticizing the deaths of a few civilians while supporting the continuing systematic destruction of homes and civil services. That only serves to keep the desire for conflict against Israel in the hearts of those made to suffer. The U.S. needs to realize that for Israel to win a few battles today will not always bring peace tomorrow, and that as a superpower, then foreign policy should lean towards being a referee instead of a judge. I can only hope that peace will come but I doubt that the U.S. will be much help.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 22 2.2%