I believe Cardinal Ratzinger will be the next Pope. Prescient, aren't I? ;)
More seriously, I believe the Church will, and must, maintain a focus on the doctrine she has held for 2,000 years, and will focus more on the internal Church during the reign of Benedict XVI than on external evangelization as was done during the time of JPII. There are too many internal issues that need to be addressed that were not being addressed before, at least not adequately. The church makeup, for example - declining in Europe, exploding growth in Africa and Latin America, the dissident issues, including dissident bishops, in America and Canada, and so on. All these need concerted attention. There are also the issues of reconciliation with the SSPX community, and reunion of the Orthodox and Roman churches, and the Catholic - Jewish relationship, which I pray will get much stronger.
Pope Benedict XVI said Monday he felt like a "guillotine" was coming down on him when it appeared he might be elected pontiff, saying he prayed to God to be spared but that "evidently, this time he didn't listen to me."
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...29223%2C00.html
It is not surprizing Pope Benedict would feel the weight of office prior to his selection, but he seems to be handling it well. With the office comes the grace to conduct the office in accordance with God's will. He is a man of prayer and will do well. I am very pleased with him as our new Pope.
Pope apologizes twice for being forgetful
Reuters - Pope Benedict apologized for being forgetful Wednesday -- not once but twice.
Ref. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../pope_forget_dc
Dioceses want to buy Pope's birthplace
Marktl am Inn. The archdiocese of Munich and Freising together with the dioceses of Regensburg and Passau apparently want acquire the home in which Benedict XVI was born. This was reported by the daily newspaper "Die Welt" in its current issue. It seems that 450 interested parties from all around the world want to buy the house in which the Pope was born on April 16th, 1927. The bids reportedly range between two and five million euros. How much the three Bavarian dioceses are willing to pay, is not known. In addition to an offered price, all bidders must also present a plan for the public use of the building. The current owner of the house and its 1000 square meter property bought the house in 1999 and has completely renovated it.
Ref. https://www.germnews.de/dn
Pope Benedict XVI offered a Christmas prayer for peace in the Holy Land on Sunday and made a special mention of children, including the unborn, as he led his first midnight Mass in the splendor of St. Peter's Basilica.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/12/24...p.ap/index.html
Pope celebrates his 80th birthday
Vatican City. On his 80th birthday, Pope Benedikt XVI received letters of congratulations and presents from all over the world. From Germany, amongst others came cardinal Wetter from Munich, the Bavarian state premier Stoiber and his colleague from Schleswig-Holstein, Carstensen, in order to congratulate the leader of the Catholic church. At noon, there was a banquet in the Pope's honor with about 50 cardinals. In the evening the radio symphony orchestra Stuttgart will give a concert in the great audience hall of the Vatican.
Ref. https://www.germnews.de/dn